Learn and get certificate with Microsoft Learn

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Hey everyone, Himel here, check out these 5 Microsoft Must-Do Introductory Learning paths on #cloudcomputing and #artificialintelligence that is Absolutely FREE!

Cloud Computing: Introductory course to grasp concepts like Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, Shared Responsibility model etc. https://learn.microsoft.com/…/describe-cloud-compute/
AI Concepts: Introductory course to grasp concepts like machine learning, natural language processing etc. https://learn.microsoft.com/…/get-started-ai…/
Machine Learning Concepts: Get to know about how machines recognize patterns in given data. https://learn.microsoft.com/…/fundamentals-machine…/
Business value using AI: Get knowledge about how you can increase business value using AI. https://learn.microsoft.com/…/create-business-value/
Fundamentals of Generative AI: Course covering concepts of content generation using Artificial Intelligence. https://learn.microsoft.com/…/fundamentals…/

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