Campus protests continue across the country

Campus protests continue across the country

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Protests over the war in Gaza have overwhelmed some college campuses across the country.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are divided on how to handle the unrest.

Both Republicans and Democrats say violent protest is unacceptable, but they disagree over how President Biden and some universities have responded.

Graduation season is underway, and police are stepping in on some college campuses to clear encampments and break up clashes over the Israel-Hamas war.

“They should not have been allowed to fester on campus for two weeks,” said Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.).

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton says universities have been too slow to act.

“Liberal politicians refused to send in the police to clear them out the very first day,” Cotton said.

The president addressed the protests at length for the first time last week.

He denounced violence but said he supported peaceful protest.

His campaign co-chair says the president believes all students should feel safe.

“The President has been very clear about this. He’s also been very strong about the need to stamp out antisemitism and islamophobia,” said Campaign Co-Chair Mitch Landrieu.

Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio says the president’s comments came too late.

“Seven days into this crisis. We should have heard from him from the very beginning,” said Rubio.

While President Biden said the protests have not affected his policy when it comes to the war in Gaza California Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna says he thinks the protests have made a difference.

“Everyone from the president on down is aware that young people are upset at what’s going on in the Middle East. and I do think it’s had an awakening in Washington that this war has to end,” said Khanna.

So far, more than 2000 people have been arrested across 50 campuses since this started mid-April.

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