Encore for TypeScript – Open Source Backend SDK & Rust runtime for Node.js

RMAG news

Day 1 of Launch Week is finally here and we’re kicking things of with a big one…

Encore for TypeScript is now available and ready for production use!

You can now use Encore’s simple experience for building event-driven and distributed system, in TypeScript.

It’s based on a new Open Source Backend SDK that provides a declarative way of building services, APIs, and using cloud primitives like databases, Pub/Sub, cron jobs, and more.

Encore for TypeScript is powered by our new Rust-based runtime, integrated with Node.js for 100% compatability the Node ecosystem. It provides some major upgrades compared to standard Node.js/Express:

7x faster throughput (req/s)
85% reduced response latency
0 NPM dependencies
End-to-end type-safety even at runtime

👉 Read all about the launch on the blog or watch the launch video on YouTube 👈

Tune in for Launch Week

Follow along on the Launch Week website

Every day we’ll share the new launch in a livestream via our Discord Community at 12pm UTC, we hope you tune in!