Serverless Architecture VS Monolith Architecture

RMAG news

Monolith-Server Architecture

Server Setup:

Utilize an EC2 instance (a virtual machine) from AWS.
Configure the instance based on initial requirements (e.g., 2GB RAM, 500GB Storage, 10MB Bandwidth).
Install necessary software (e.g., Linux, Node.js, Express.js) and deploy code.


The server runs 24/7, ensuring constant availability.
Charges are based on hourly usage (e.g., $0.02 per hour).
Total monthly cost is fixed based on continuous operation.


Use AWS Auto Scaling Group (ASG) for handling increased traffic.
Automatically adjust resources (e.g., increase RAM to 6GB and Storage to 1000GB) as needed.


Full control over server configuration, software installation, and deployment.
Responsible for all server management tasks.

Serverless Architecture (AWS Lambda Functions)


No need to configure or manage servers.
Write code and upload it to AWS Lambda.
Choose the runtime environment (e.g., Node.js).
Set up an API Gateway to trigger the Lambda function via a URL.


Lambda functions do not run continuously; they execute in response to triggers (e.g., HTTP requests).
Charges are based on the number of invocations (e.g., $0.001 per invocation).
AWS handles scaling automatically to accommodate multiple concurrent requests.


AWS Lambda automatically scales to handle traffic, creating instances of the function as needed.
Ensures that no user experiences wait times during high traffic periods.


First 1 million invocations per month are free.
Beyond that, charges apply (e.g., $0.20 per additional million requests).


Minimal management required.
AWS manages underlying infrastructure, scaling, and maintenance.


Monolith-Server Architecture:

Requires an EC2 instance and manual server management.
Fixed monthly costs based on continuous operation.
Full control over server and environment configuration.
Auto Scaling can be set up to handle increased traffic.

Serverless Architecture (AWS Lambda):

No server management required; AWS handles infrastructure.
Pay per invocation, reducing costs for low-traffic scenarios.
Automatic scaling to handle varying traffic loads.
Simplified deployment and maintenance, ideal for dynamic and scalable applications.

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