How to create a Linux Virtual Machine with Amazon Lightsail

How to create a Linux Virtual Machine with Amazon Lightsail

AWS LightSail is a platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a simple web user interface to manage the servers and basic configuration around it.

It offers virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking, plus a cost-effective monthly plan. It’s designed to help you start small, and then scale as you grow.

In this tutorial, we will create an Amazon Linux instance in Amazon Lightsail. After the instance is up and running, we will connect to it via SSH within the Lightsail console using the browser-based SSH terminal.

Step 1

Login to the Amazon console and Launch Lightsail
Click on create instance

Step 2

Select a Region

Select an Availability Zone

Step 3

Select an **instance **platform
Choose the Linux/Unix platform option, and choose OS Only

Select Add launch script to add a script that will run on your instance when it launches. (This is optional)

Step 4

Select change SSH key pair to select, create, or upload the key pair you would like to use to SSH into your instance.
For this project, we will tick the create new default key

Enable Automatic Snapshots – if you want to automatically create a backup of your instance image. (This is optional)

Step 5

Select an instance plan
Select the $3.5 plan (It’s within the free tier)

Step 6

Name your instance
Leave the tag option as default
Select create instance

Step 7

Our instance has been created successfully, Now let’s connect to our instance

Click the terminal icon, or the ellipsis (⋼) icon and click connect

Yes! Our Linux instance is up and running
You can now run some basic Linux commands and other activities like hosting a web server on it.

Make sure to delete the instance after running to avoid any charges.

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