AWS Ephemeral Environments: Tutorial With Example

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Modern applications have code releases daily or weekly, requiring developers and test engineers to respond accordingly. Ephemeral environments—temporary and highly dynamic setups hosted on cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS)—have emerged as a pivotal enabler for supporting frequent software releases. These environments allow teams to mirror production settings for testing, staging, and deployment cost-effectively and flexibly to streamline tasks like end-to-end integration testing.

The Benefits of Ephemeral Environments

Ephemeral environments, such as preview environments, offer substantial benefits for software development by providing isolated, temporary testing and staging setups that mirror production environments. These environments eliminate many bottlenecks associated with traditional staging processes and facilitate a more agile development lifecycle. Leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) can further enhance these benefits, introducing greater scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness to the ephemeral environment strategy.

AWS Integration for Scaling and Flexibility

AWS provides services that can be seamlessly integrated into managing ephemeral environments, making them more dynamic and scalable. AWS services like AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and AWS Fargate enable container management without requiring physical server maintenance, aligning well with the temporary nature of ephemeral environments.

Auto-Scaling and Load Balancing

AWS Auto Scaling ensures that the ephemeral environments have the right computing resources based on the workload. This is particularly useful when there are uneven workloads, such as end-stage testing phases or when multiple developers push changes simultaneously. AWS Elastic Load Balancing can also distribute incoming traffic across Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, improving applications’ performance and fault tolerance.

Enhanced Testing and Deployment

Using AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy, ephemeral environments can benefit from automated building and deployment processes. This integration ensures that environments are always up-to-date with the latest builds, which is crucial for testing in a state that closely mimics production.

Building Blocks for Ephemeral Environments: Core AWS Services

Amazon EC2 and EC2 Spot Instances

The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances are the most common service for hosting ephemeral AWS environments. The EC2 service makes it possible to launch virtual servers as needed. As mentioned above, EC2 Spot Instances are ideal for saving money in non-critical environments that can withstand interruptions.

AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and AWS Fargate

For containerized applications, AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) offers a managed Kubernetes service that simplifies running Kubernetes on AWS without installing and operating your own Kubernetes control plane. This is particularly useful for ephemeral environments where the infrastructure needs to be as agile as the development process. AWS Fargate further enhances this by providing a serverless compute engine for containers, removing the need to manage servers or clusters and allowing developers to focus on building applications.

Karpenter, an open-source Kubernetes autoscaler, can be integrated with EKS and Fargate for optimal resource management. Karpenter intelligently scales nodes up and down based on pod requirements, ensuring your ephemeral workloads always have the right resources and minimizing costs.

AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)

Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable and performant container orchestration service. It simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications on AWS. ECS is well-suited to ephemeral environments because it allows you to easily create and tear down containers as needed, optimizing resource utilization and adapting to changing workloads It’s a practical alternative for users who aren’t yet ready to adopt Kubernetes but have containerized workloads.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is well suited for event-driven, ephemeral workloads. It allows you to run code that responds to triggers, such as data or system state changes, without provisioning or managing servers. This functionality aligns perfectly with the principles of ephemeral environments by running only when needed and scaling automatically with the workload.

Building Blocks for Ephemeral Environments: Automation and Orchestration

In the realm of ephemeral environments, automation and orchestration are fundamental building blocks for achieving scalable and flexible infrastructure management.

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation allows the creation of templates that can be used to deploy and manage AWS resources consistently and predictably to manage and provision resources as code. This is especially useful in ephemeral environments where infrastructure needs to be replicated or destroyed systematically based on the lifecycle of development branches.

AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild

Automation is key to managing ephemeral environments efficiently. AWS CodePipeline provides a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.

CodePipeline automates your release process’s build, test, and deploy phases based on the release model you define every time a code change occurs. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy and can be integrated into CodePipeline workflows for automated processing.

Terraform and Pulumi

Tools like Terraform and Pulumi stand out by offering robust Infrastructure as Code (IaC) capabilities, enabling developers to define and manage infrastructure through code programmatically. Terraform uses a declarative approach, allowing users to specify their desired end-state, while Pulumi supports multiple programming languages, providing a more familiar syntax for software developers. Both platforms streamline the deployment and maintenance of ephemeral environments, enhancing reproducibility and reducing manual overhead, thus facilitating rapid provisioning and de-provisioning of resources in response to changing development and operational needs.


In summary, ephemeral environments powered by AWS provide substantial advantages for modern software development. By offering isolated yet production-mimicking setups that can be created, updated, and destroyed on-demand, teams gain increased agility, flexibility, and cost savings.

Core AWS services like EC2, EKS, Fargate, ECS, and Lambda form the foundational building blocks that enable this ephemeral infrastructure. Meanwhile, orchestration tools like CloudFormation, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, Terraform, and Pulumi streamline automation and infrastructure-as-code capabilities.

With the right expertise, these AWS capabilities can be combined to overcome challenges around orchestration, security, dependencies, and customizability that ephemeral environments entail. The result is more efficient testing, staging, and deployment environments that accelerate delivery while optimizing resource utilization and spending.

As modern software practices continue to embrace agile methodologies and DevOps culture, ephemeral infrastructure will only increase in popularity and value. AWS offers the ideal foundation for teams to reap these benefits as they push towards faster and more reliable release cycles.


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