Why I Chose Vite.js for My React Projects

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When I first started using Create React App (CRA), the idea was simple: make it easy to kick off React projects. Since its launch in 2016 by Facebook, CRA was seen as the holy grail for easily setting up Webpack, Babel, and other essential tools. But as with anything in the tech world, time has not been kind to CRA. With start-up times stretching and sluggish refreshes, I quickly realized that this old recipe no longer met the needs for rapid and agile development.

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Indeed, I noticed that the developer community, which I am a part of, was unanimously crying out for more speed and efficiency. Faced with these growing complaints, I discovered a modern gem: Vite.js. Created in 2020 by Evan You (yes, the genius behind Vue.js), Vite was a revelation for me. Its approach of transforming modules on the fly meant I could say goodbye to startup delays and hello to blazing-fast development.

Vite.js is not just a new favorite among development tools; it’s a revolution. By using ESM (ES Modules) directly in browsers, Vite only loads what’s needed, when it’s needed. This efficiency is a breath of fresh air, transforming my development experience into a dance rather than a struggle.

For those ready to take the plunge, here’s how I start a React project with Vite. It just takes a few command lines:

npm create vite@latest my-new-react-project –template react

Then, I dive into the project folder and kick off the development server:

cd my-new-react-project
npm install
npm run dev

This simplicity is precisely what I love about Vite.

Here are three reasons why I think you should consider Vite for your React projects:

Uncompromising Performance: Loading times are minimized thanks to the smart module loading strategy, allowing me to see changes in real time without delay.

Disconcerting Ease: Goodbye complicated configurations. Most of the time, Vite works wonderfully right out of the box, leaving me more time to code instead of configure.

Future-Ready: Vite embraces the latest technologies and web standards, ensuring that my projects are always cutting-edge.

In conclusion, choosing Vite.js has redefined how I work with React. It’s fast, it’s fresh, and it lets me focus on what I love most: creating exceptional applications. Why settle for less?

Guillaume Duhan

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