Blog App using AWS Amplify, Angular

Blog App using AWS Amplify, Angular

This is a submission for the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge

What I Built

I built a Blog Application using AWS Amplify and Angular where we can create a Blog by providing Title and description, list all the blogs and read a specific Blog.

Demo and Code

App URL:

[1] Create Blog Button provides the user with a text editor to start working on the blog.

[2] Used the ngx-editor to build the text editor and provided a scroll to add content of any size.

[3] Have a publish option to create the Blog and show it under the list of Blogs

[4] List of Blogs

[5] Read more option on the list will take us to the individual Blog.

[6]Utilized Sign out and Sign In and Create Account features provided by Amplify


I have create a model called Blog that has title and description. To save it to a personal cloud sandbox, I ran the npx ampx sandbox
to get amplify_outputs.json file. This allowed me to make backend updates in a private cloud space.
I have used authentication module and @aws-amplify/ui-angular for building the Sign Up, Sign In, Create Account. Also tried out the customization available for the Authenticator.


Will add a cover image that will make use of the File Storage concepts in AWS Amplify.
Will add notifications to be sent over by using serverless functions.
Will add draft versions and make sure only the loggedin users can see the drafts of their own.

Thank you for interesting challenges 🙂 I knew about the challenge really late and was not able to finish what I had in mind. But something is better than nothing and hence my submission. Challenges like these are a great opportunity to explore new technologies. Excited for more challenges in future.

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