Financial Intelligence organized the sixth edition of the Energy Forum event

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Financial Intelligence organized the sixth edition of the Energy Forum event, Monday, May 27, starting at 10:30 a.m., at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel.

The event depicted then topics such as:

The evolution of the energy market in Romania; Romania and its potential for renewable energies; Energy transition – risks and opportunities; How do we achieve Romania’s energy independence? Partnerships with countries in the region; The problems of energy suppliers, in the context of price capping; Amendment of GEO 27; REMIT Regulation; Central counterparty, Contracts for Difference – instruments for increasing the liquidity of energy markets;  CPT – higher costs for distributors; solutions for the operation of networks;   Gases from the Black Sea: The role of the Neptun Deep project and all offshore natural gas exploitations in strengthening the EU’s energy security; Offshore-Wind Law; Natural gas storage; PNRR, the Modernization Fund and the Structural Funds 2021-2027: three important sources of funding from European funds for energy projects; Financing through green credits; Investment strategy of state energy companies; Stock market investment in shares of energy companies; Romania’s strategy regarding investment in hydrogen; Nuclear energy – contribution to the achievement of climate objectives; Energy efficiency in Romania; Electric stations and electric cars – the evolution in Romania; Energy prices in Romania compared to other EU states.

The speakers of the event are:


Sebastian BURDUJA, Minister of Energy (video message);Virgil POPESCU, President, Environment Committee of the Chamber of Deputies;Lucian RUSU, Deputy General Secretary of the Government;George NICULESCU, President of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE);Bende SÁNDOR, President of the Committee on Industries and Services Chamber of Deputies; István-Loránt ANTAL, President, Committee on Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Mineral Resources Senate;Oana Marciana ÖZMEN, PNL Deputy, Secretary at the Commission for Industries and Services, Chamber of Deputies;Dan PASCU, Vice President, Competition Council;Daniel APOSTOL, Director General, Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation (FPPG);Volker RAFFEL, President of ACUE, CEO of E.On Romania.


Cristina PRUNĂ, Deputy USR, Vice-President of the Commission for Industries and Services, Chamber of Deputies;Marian NĂSTASE, President of ALRO, President of ABIEC (Association of Large Industrial Energy Consumers from Romania);Karoly BORBELY, President – CEO, Hidroelectrica;Răzvan POPESCU, Director General, S.N.G.N. ROMANIA;Cosmin GHIȚĂ, General Manager, Nuclearelectrica;Alexandru CHIRIȚĂ, General Manager, Electrica;Elisabeta GHIDIU, Director of Strategy and Corporate Management Department, TRANSGAZ;Dana DĂRĂBAN, Executive Director, ACUE Federation;Vasile CARSTEA, Director General, DEPOGAZ;Otilia VÎLCU, Competition Practice Coordinator, Guia Naghi and Partners;Silvia VLĂSCEANU, Executive Director of the Association of Electric Energy Producers (HENRO); Dumitru CHISĂLIĂ, President of the Intelligent Energy Association.


Alina STOENESCU, Department Manager Business Development, Refining & Marketing, OMV Petrom;Mihai BURLACU, Country Manager RO & MD, SKE Solar Inverters;Armand DOMUĂ, CEO & Founder Restart Energy One;Mihaela NYERGES, Managing Partner, Nyerges & Partners;Cătălin STANCU, Associated Senior Expert, Horváth;Raluca COVRIG, Director of Public Affairs and Communication, FPPG;Corneliu BODEA, Adrem CEO and President, Romanian Energy Center;Liviu GAVRILĂ, Vice-President, RWEA – Romanian Wind Energy Association;Martin MOISE, First Vice-President, PATRES.

The event has been moderated by Ancuța STANCIU, Founding Member and Chief Editor, Financial Intelligence and Adina ARDELEANU, Founding Member and Deputy Chief Editor, Financial Intelligence.

PARTNERS: ALRO, Nova Power & Gas, S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz S.A., Hellen’s Rock, SKE Solar Inverters – Huawei, Restart Energy, Alive Capital, Adrem, Hidroelectrica, e.on, OMV Petrom, Azomureș, ENGIE Romania, Tinmar Energy, Nyerges & Partners, Vienna Energy, Nuclearelectrica, Premier Energy, GNP Guia Naghi & Partners, Federation of Associations of Energy Utilities Companies (ACUE), Exim Banca Românească, MET Energy, Electrica Furnizare, ROMGAZ, SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Natural Gas Storage Branch DEPOGAZ Ploiești SRL, Transelectrica, Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation (FPPG ), Horvath, BayWa r.e., CIS GAZ, Bucharest Stock Exchange, Anadolu Automobil Rom – Green Transport, Hellenic Cables – ICME ECAB SA, PNE – Pure New Energy, Romanian Commodity Exchange, COMES S.A., Consiglieri, AFEER – Association of Suppliers of Energy from Romania, FREYWILLE, Maison DADOO.

INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS: World Energy Council – Romanian National Committee, Future Energy Leaders Romania, Smart Energy Association, RWEA – Romanian Wind Energy Association, Employers’ Organization of Renewable Energy Producers from Romania, ICSS, National Council of SMEs from Romania, Romanian-British Chamber of Commerce.

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