Keml: Empowering UI Development, One Developer at a Time

RMAG news

Hey Fellow Developers,

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Keml – a small yet mighty alternative to HTMX that’s poised to change the game in UI development. And the best part? It’s crafted and maintained by just one person (that’s me!).

Here’s why Keml deserves a spot in your toolkit:

1. Versatile Integration, Zero Hassle 🛠️

With Keml, you’re not tied down to a specific server-side stack. Whether you’re rocking Node.js, PHP, Java, Python, or C#, Keml plays nice with them all. And guess what? Your server doesn’t even need to know it’s rendering Keml syntax – it’s just standard HTML with a dash of extra custom attributes. Seamless integration, zero headaches.

2. Simplify UI Building with HTML-Extended Syntax 🏗️

Say goodbye to cumbersome JavaScript coding! Keml’s magic lies in its extended HTML syntax, designed to make UI development a breeze. Build highly interactive user interfaces directly within your HTML markup, no complicated scripts required.

3. Performance, Flexibility, Simplicity – All in One 🚀

Keml isn’t just about features; it’s about delivering lightning-fast user experiences without the complexity. Think of it as your trusty sidekick, prioritizing performance, flexibility, and above all, simplicity. And since it’s a one-person endeavor, your feedback and contributions carry extra weight in shaping Keml’s future.

4. Early Stage Development, Honest Disclaimer 🚧

Let’s keep it real – Keml is still in its early stages of development. Bugs might pop up here and there, but with your help, we’ll squash them in no time. Your input matters more than ever as we refine Keml and pave the way for smoother UI development.

5. Dive into Keml Today 🎨

Ready to experience Keml firsthand? It’s as easy as:

<!– “install” the library –>
<script src=“”></script>

<!– initiate an action –>
<button on:click=“updateCounter”>
Click me!

<!– send a post request on action –>

<!– render responses –>
Here we have the value of counter:
<span render=“counterValue”></span>.
And here it is again, but smaller:
<small render=“counterValue”></small> 😉

Join me on this journey to simplify UI development, one line of code at a time. Have questions, feedback, or just want to say hi? Connect with me on GitHub. I’m all ears!

Embrace simplicity with Keml – your partner in effortless UI magic! ✨

This article was written with the help of ChatGPT. But, after reading and re-reading it a few dozen times, I realize that it perfectly and concisely formulates my own thoughts better than I, probably, ever could by myself without a great number of revisions and tweaks.


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