The Ultimate Solution for Effortless Form Validation

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In the constantly evolving landscape of web development, form validation remains a crucial aspect for enhancing user experience and ensuring data integrity. Trivule stands out as a robust and user-friendly JavaScript library designed to simplify and streamline the form validation process. Having tested it, I believe that with community support, Trivule will become a valuable tool for managing web validation.

Whether you are an experienced developer or a novice, Trivule offers a mix of declarative and imperative validation methods to meet your specific needs.

Why Use Trivule?

Trivule stands out for several compelling reasons:

Real-Time Validation: Trivule offers real-time validation, providing immediate feedback as users fill out forms. It also allows for this feature to be disabled if needed.

Flexibility and Ease of Use: Whether you prefer to define validation rules directly in HTML or through JavaScript, Trivule accommodates both approaches. This duality offers flexibility and simplifies the development process.

Comprehensive Error Handling: Trivule supports customizable and localized error messages, allowing developers to provide clear and context-specific feedback in multiple languages.

Event-Based Validation: Trivule can trigger validation on a variety of events, including blur, input, and custom events, offering granular control over when and how validation occurs.

Integration with Modern Frameworks: Trivule seamlessly integrates with popular frameworks, making it a versatile tool for any project.

Advantages of Trivule

Declarative and Imperative Validation: Trivule supports both declarative and imperative validation methods, catering to different development styles and requirements.

Ease of Integration: With its straightforward syntax and comprehensive documentation, Trivule is easy to integrate into new or existing projects.

Customizable Messages: Error messages can be customized and localized, enhancing the user experience by providing relevant feedback.

Extensive Rule Set: Trivule offers a wide array of predefined validation rules, from simple required fields to complex date and file validations.

Disadvantages of Trivule

Learning Curve: Although Trivule is designed to be user-friendly, developers unfamiliar with form validation libraries may face an initial learning curve.

Dependency on JavaScript: Projects aiming to minimize JavaScript usage might find Trivule’s extensive use of JS a drawback.

Limited Community Support: As a newer library, Trivule might not yet have the extensive community support and resources available for more established libraries.

Code Examples

Declarative Validation Example

Using Trivule’s declarative approach, you can define validation rules directly in the HTML:

<form id=“myForm”>
<input type=“text” data-tr-rules=“required|int|min:18” name=“age” placeholder=“Enter your age” />
<div data-tr-feedback=“age”></div>
<button type=“submit”>Submit</button>
new TrivuleForm(#myForm);

In this example, the age input field is required, must be an integer, and must be at least 18. The data-tr-feedback attribute is used to display validation messages.

Imperative Validation Example

For more dynamic validation, you can define rules using JavaScript:

const trivuleForm = new TrivuleForm(#myForm);
age: {
rules: [required, integer, min:18],
feedbackElement: [data-tr-feedback=”age”],
email: {
rules: [required, email],
feedbackElement: [data-tr-feedback=”email”],

trivuleForm.onFails((form) => {
console.log(Form validation failed!, form);

trivuleForm.onPasses((form) => {
console.log(Form validation passed!, form);

In this example, the form has validation rules defined for both the age and email fields. The onFails and onPasses methods provide callbacks for handling validation results.


In summary, Trivule provides a flexible and powerful solution for form validation, addressing both simple and complex scenarios. Its real-time validation, ease of integration, and extensive rule set make it a valuable tool for developers aiming to enhance user experience and ensure data integrity. While it may present a learning curve for some, its advantages often outweigh these drawbacks, positioning Trivule as a strong contender in the field of form validation.


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