Human Friendly Code?

RMAG news

Why do we code? Do we code only to satisfy the requirements of the product owner? Or do we code just so it could pass through QA? Are we just trying to get a passing grade for a class assignment? Or are we just having fun writing random stuff?

I think it is easy to forget that there are real people out there who will interact with our code when we are so deep in implementation details. Different people may interact with your code in different ways. An end user might interact with your code through the user interface, another developer may interact with your code through the API, or maybe the coworker next to you is interacting directly with your code. Whatever the means, there will always be another human in the chain interacting with the code you’ve written.

Knowing that there is another person that will interact with your code (be it user interface, API interface, or class/method interface), how do you make your code more “human friendly”?

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