How to use Traits, Interface, and Abstract classes In PHP

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As a software developer, writing reusable and maintainable code is crucial. PHP provides several tools to help achieve this, including Traits, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes. In this article, we’ll explore each concept, their differences, and how to use them effectively.


Traits are a way to reuse code in PHP. They are similar to abstract classes but with a few key differences. Traits are used to group related methods that can be used in multiple classes.

Defining a Trait

To define a trait, use the trait keyword followed by the trait name:

trait LoggerTrait {
public function log(string $message): void {
echo $message . n;

Using a Trait

To use a trait in a class, use the use keyword:

class MyClass {
use LoggerTrait;

Now, the MyClass class has access to the log method.


Interfaces define a contract that must be implemented by any class that implements it. They represent a set of methods that must be implemented but do not provide any implementation.

Defining an Interface

To define an interface, use the interface keyword followed by the interface name:

interface Printable {
public function print(): void;

Implementing an Interface

To implement an interface, use the implements keyword:

class MyClass implements Printable {
public function print(): void {
echo “Printing…n;

Abstract Classes

Abstract classes are similar to interfaces but can also provide an implementation for some methods.

Defining an Abstract Class

To define an abstract class, use the abstract keyword followed by the class name:

abstract class AbstractClass {
public function doSomething(): void {
echo “Doing something…n;

abstract public function doSomethingElse(): void;

Extending an Abstract Class

To extend an abstract class, use the extends keyword:

class MyClass extends AbstractClass {
public function doSomethingElse(): void {
echo “Doing something else…n;

Final Code Sample

Here is an example of a class that uses all the concepts we’ve discussed:

// Trait
trait LoggerTrait {
public function log(string $message): void {
echo $message . n;

// Interface
interface Printable {
public function print(): void;

// Abstract Class
abstract class AbstractClass {
public function doSomething(): void {
echo “Doing something…n;

abstract public function doSomethingElse(): void;

// Concrete Class that uses everything
class MyClass extends AbstractClass implements Printable {
use LoggerTrait;

public function print(): void {
echo “Printing…n;

public function doSomethingElse(): void {
echo “Doing something else…n;

public function doSomethingWithLogging(): void {
$this->log(“About to do something…”);
$this->log(“Done doing something!”);

// Using the class
$myClass = new MyClass();

// Outputs: Printing…

// Outputs: Doing something…

// Outputs: Doing something else…

// Outputs:
// About to do something…
// Doing something…
// Done doing something!

In this example, MyClass:

Extends the AbstractClass, which provides the doSomething() method and requires the implementation of the doSomethingElse() method.

Implements the Printable interface, which requires the implementation of the print() method.

Uses the LoggerTrait, which provides the log() method.

The MyClass class uses all the concepts we’ve discussed and demonstrates how they can work together to provide a robust and maintainable class.


This article shows how to use Traits, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes in PHP. Traits provide a way to reuse code, Interfaces define a contract that must be implemented, and Abstract Classes provide a way to define a base class with some implementation.

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