Introduction To Mathematical Thinking

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Part 1: Importance of Mathematics in Computer Science


Mathematics is not just a tool but the foundation upon which computer science is built. It provides the theoretical underpinnings for many areas of computer science from algorithms and data structures to machine learning and cryptography. Understanding these mathematical principles is essential for the logic and efficiency of computer-based systems.

Detailed Key Points

Algorithm Efficiency

Concept: Algorithm efficiency measures how fast or how much storage an algorithm requires to solve a problem. It’s typically expressed using Big O notation, which abstracts the performance of an algorithm as the size of its input data grows.

Mathematical Foundation: Big O notation involves concepts from calculus (for understanding growth rates) and algebra.


Linear Search: Has a complexity of O(n) because it scans each item in a list sequentially. So, if the list doubles in size, so does the search time.

Binary Search: Exhibits a complexity of O(log n) due to the list being divided in half each time, making the search much faster as the size increases.

Data Structures

Concept: Effective use of data structures requires an understanding of their space (memory) and time complexity (efficiency of operations like insert, delete, search).

Mathematical Foundation: Analyzing these complexities again involves understanding functions and limits.


Arrays: Constant time O(1) access but linear time O(n) search.

Hash Tables: Aim for constant time O(1) access and search, thanks to an effective hash function which distributes entries evenly across an array.


Concept: Cryptography secures information by transforming it into unreadable formats, unless one possesses a specific key. This field relies heavily on number theory and the properties of numbers.

Mathematical Foundation: Uses prime numbers, modular arithmetic, and algorithms like RSA for public-key encryption.


RSA Algorithm: Utilizes two large prime numbers to generate public and private keys. Secure because factoring the product of these two primes is computationally difficult.

Machine Learning

Concept: Machine learning algorithms adjust their parameters on data input to improve their accuracy. This adjustment process is guided by statistical and probability theory to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed.

Mathematical Foundation: Involves statistics for understanding data distributions and calculus for optimizing algorithms (like gradient descent).


Linear Regression: Finds a line (or hyperplane in higher dimensions) that best fits a set of data points. Uses simple algebraic and statistical principles to minimize the error in prediction.

Neural Networks: Use calculus to adjust the weights on the network’s neurons during training, a process called backpropagation.


These examples illustrate how deeply intertwined mathematics is with the field of computer science. Whether analyzing the efficiency of an algorithm, ensuring the rapid execution and management of data, securing information, or enabling machines to learn from data, mathematics provides the necessary theoretical framework to support and guide these activities. This foundation not only enhances the understanding but also the innovation within computer science.

Part 2: Basic Symbols and Terminology in Mathematics


Mathematics communicates its concepts through a unique language composed of symbols that denote operations, relationships, and values. Understanding these symbols is essential for both mathematical reasoning and programming, where such expressions are often directly translated into code.

Detailed Explanations of Mathematical Symbols

Equals Sign (=)

Meaning: Indicates that two expressions represent the same value.

Example: “3 + 4 = 7”. This expression states that the sum of 3 and 4 is equal to 7.

Plus (+) and Minus (-) Signs

Meaning: The plus sign represents addition, while the minus sign denotes subtraction.


Addition: “5 + 2 = 7”. Adds 2 to 5.

Subtraction: “10 – 3 = 7”. Subtracts 3 from 10.

Multiplication (×), Division (÷)

Meaning: These symbols are used for multiplying and dividing numbers, respectively.


Multiplication: “4 × 3 = 12”. Multiplies 4 by 3.

Division: “12 ÷ 4 = 3”. Divides 12 by 4.

Exponentiation (^)

Meaning: Indicates that a number is raised to the power of another number.

Example: “x^2” denotes “x raised to the power of 2”. For instance, if “x = 5”, then “x^2 = 25”.

Square Root (√)

Meaning: Represents the square root operation, which finds a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.

Example: “√16 = 4” because “4 × 4 = 16”.

Inequalities (<, >, ≤, ≥)

Meaning: These symbols compare the size or order of two values.


Less than (<): “3 < 5” indicates that 3 is less than 5.

Greater than (>): “10 > 8” indicates that 10 is greater than 8.

Less than or equal to (≤): “4 ≤ 5” indicates that 4 is less than or equal to 5.

Greater than or equal to (≥): “10 ≥ 7” indicates that 10 is greater than or equal to 7.

Practice Task and Solution

Task: Translate the following statement into a mathematical expression: “The sum of three times five and four is less than twenty.”

Solution: To translate this, you recognize the operations and relationships:

“Three times five” translates to “3 × 5”
“The sum of 3 × 5 and 4” is “3 × 5 + 4”
“Is less than twenty” translates to “< 20”

Mathematical Expression: “3 × 5 + 4 < 20”

This example showcases how mathematical expressions encapsulate logical and numerical relationships in a concise format, pivotal for both theoretical mathematics and its application in computer science, especially in algorithms and problem-solving scenarios.

Part 3: Introduction to Logical Thinking


Logical thinking is the process of reasoning consistently to come to a conclusion. In computer science, logical reasoning underpins how programs make decisions and control the flow of execution. This part explores the basics of forming logical statements and how they integrate into programming.

Key Concepts


Definition: A statement is a declaration that is either true or false, but not both. In programming, these are often conditions that determine which code segment runs.

Example: “The number 4 is even.” This is a true statement. In contrast, “The number 5 is even.” is a false statement.

Logical Connectives

Definition: Logical connectives are symbols or words used to connect statements to form more complex logical expressions.


AND (∧): True only if both connected statements are true.
OR (∨): True if at least one of the connected statements is true.
NOT (¬): True if the connected statement is false.

Usage in Programming: In conditions like if (userIsLoggedIn && hasAccess), both conditions must be true to execute the block of code.

Conditional Statements

Definition: These involve reasoning in the form “if this, then that,” linking conditions to actions or outcomes.

Example in Programming: This code checks if a user is logged in; if true, it allows access to the dashboard.

if (user_is_logged_in):

Detailed Example

Let’s consider the logical statement: “If a user is logged in, then they can access their dashboard.”

Logical Formulation:

P: User is logged in.
Q: User can access the dashboard.
Implication: PQ which reads as “If P, then Q.”

Activity: Creating Truth Tables

Truth tables are a way to visualize how logical connectives work. Let’s create truth tables for the basic connectives and the example given:

Truth Table for Basic Connectives










PQ (AND): True only when both P and Q are true.
PQ (OR): True if at least one of P or Q is true.
¬P (NOT): True when P is false.
PQ (IMPLICATION): True in all cases except where P is true and Q is false.

Implication for the Example:

User Logged In (P)
Access Dashboard (Q)






This truth table shows that the user can access the dashboard only when they are logged in, mirroring the actual access control logic used in many computer systems.


Understanding and applying logical thinking is essential for developing robust software that behaves as expected. By mastering logical connectives and conditional statements, programmers can write clearer, more efficient code. Logical reasoning also assists in debugging by helping to trace the flow of execution and understand where things might go wrong.

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