Making a Multiplayer WEB RPG – Part 9: Creating the world

Making a Multiplayer WEB RPG – Part 9: Creating the world

Hi all,

Since I’ve managed to resolve most of the animations issues I was having, I decided to relax and work on some level design, keeping in mind that the overall goal was to make enough content to bring the player from level 1 to level 10. The overall feeling should feel “grindy”.

Preparation is KEY

Before starting any level design, I want to create a list of all the different locations, enemies and characters.

I had a pretty good idea already, but Took me a little while to write it all down and then using CHATGPT to tidy up the structure, I got to this result:

Eldoria is a quaint village nestled between lush forests and towering mountains.


Forge: The heart of Eldoria’s craftsmanship, where the Blacksmith, Garin, forged weapons and armor to aid adventurers.
Temple: A sanctuary dedicated to Athlea, watched over by Priestess Alice, who also guarded the entrance to the rat-infested Cellar dungeon.
Farm: A sprawling field tended by Farmer Jorin, who provided food for the village.
Tavern: The lively hub of Eldoria, run by Bartender Morin, where stories and quests were exchanged.
Market: Bustling with activity, the Merchant Elara sold potions and jewelry to aid adventurers in their quests.
Mountains: Majestic and foreboding, they housed the entrance to the treacherous Cave dungeon.
Cemetery: A somber place tended by Caretaker Ren, and the entrance to the Mausoleum dungeon.
Forest: Dense and dark, home to fearsome Bandits and the site of many trials.
Sorceress Tower: The mystical home of Sorceress Mira, where adventurers could learn offensive magic.
Velvet Veil: A luxurious establishment in Eldoria, known for its warm hospitality, soothing ambiance, and vibrant performances.
Port: Locations of future development and potential quests.


Cellar: Beneath the Temple, infested with vicious Rats, perfect for novice adventurers.
Mausoleum: In the Cemetery, filled with powerful Skeletons, posing a greater challenge.
Cave: In the Mountains, housing cunning Mummies, a trial for the most seasoned heroes.


Blacksmith Garin: A master of the forge, providing essential equipment.
Merchant Elara: A savvy trader in potions and enchanted items.
Sorceress Mira: A wise mage who trained adventurers in offensive magic and resided in the Sorceress Tower.
Priestess Alice: A devout priestess who taught defensive spells and sought help for the Temple’s troubles.
Farmer Jorin: A simple farmer with untold stories.
Bartender Morin: The keeper of the tavern and a source of many quests.
Caretaker Ren: Guardian of the cemetery, harboring secrets of the Mausoleum.
Madame Seraphina: Proprietor of the Velvet Veil.


Rats: Infesting the Cellar, a challenge for heroes levels 1-3.
Skeletons: Haunting the Mausoleum, suited for heroes levels 3-6.
Bandits: Roaming the Forest, a danger for heroes levels 6-8.
Mummies: Dwelling in the Cave, a peril for heroes levels 8-10.

Level Design Workflow

Once I’ve clarified the overall content, it’s time to start level design, please see below the steps I followed to get my scene from Unity to Babylon.js

I use the Unity editor for the level design
I export the whole scene as a GLB format, and then I use to optimize the scene, size can go from 2-3mo to 100ko.
I also use the unity navigation system to generate a navmesh, export it to an .OBJ file, import it in Blender, do some mesh optimization/fixes and then export to a .GLB file than can be used by the server and client.

In order for my LOD system to function, meshes must never too big in the horizontal axis, else player will have meshes that disappear when they shouldnt so I always make sure to not make any objects that span large chunks of the level.

The result

After quite a bit of work, I actually managed to fit everything in quite a small area (which suits me just fine). The idea is too keep everything tight and condensed. Of course, this map will elvove/improve naturally as I work on it. A few thing to bother me:

The actual farm should be moved closer to the mountain (and not in the village center)
Market should probably be in the town center
The Velvet Veil in front of the Temple may be a little provocative

And here are some screenshots:

So, What do you guys think of the result?

Until next time,

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