CSS & JavaScript: Beaches

CSS & JavaScript: Beaches

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, Glam Up My Markup: Beaches

What I Built

CSS: I have used a modern, clean design with a color palette that reflects the beach theme, smooth transitions, and hover effects.

JavaScript: I added interactive elements like a modal window to show more details about each beach and a smooth scroll effect for a better user experience.


GitHub link: Beaches


Key Enhancements:

Modal Animation: Added fade-in and slide-in animations for the modal to make it more engaging.
Backdrop Filter: Applied a blur effect to the background when the modal is open for better focus and a modern look.
Hover Effects: Added hover effects to the beach list items to make them interactive and visually appealing.
Responsive Design: Ensured the modal is responsive and looks good on various screen sizes.
Interactivity: Made each beach title clickable to trigger the modal, displaying more information dynamically.

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