🌟 Discover 5 Must-Have VSCode Extensions You Haven’t Tried Yet

🌟 Discover 5 Must-Have VSCode Extensions You Haven’t Tried Yet

Hey there! Yes.. this is one of those posts, but.. I promise you’re not going to find the generic stuff like “Prettier” here, don’t get me wrong, while its essential, we kinda all know & have it. The purpose of this post is to try and find those hidden gems. I hope this helps :))

1. Error Lens

Think of this extension like your “Problems” tab within the VSCode terminal but on.. steroids, its basically going to show and highlight any issues in your code/syntax right at the specific line on the editor.

2. Console Ninja

We’ve all been sick and tired of going back and forth between tabs to only read the logs (console logs).. So the Console Ninja team said enough’s enough and decided to instead showcase us the console log outputs and runtime errors directly in our editor.

3. Pretty TypeScript Errors

Look, as much as we love TS (not really?) we can surely admit seeing those long errors where one of the 43 nested types doesnt match isnt as optimal as we’d like, not to mention those error messages that can only be deciphered from Harvard PhD professors (and Matt Pocock). Luckily for us this extension saves the day by simplifying everything for us and making life easier.

4. Hungry Delete

Remember selecting all that empty space and then having to delete it, or even worse having to press backspace 10-15 times to do that? Well, this extension makes sure that you dont have to go trough that again, but instead take care of that emptyspace or tab by simply pressing CTRL+BACKSPACE

5. Add gitignore

At some point, we’ll all have to create a .gitignore file and thats a fact, so, why not speed up the process and have a extension specifically built to help you create it faster with variety of templates to choose from?

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