How to install lando on mac for Acquia Recipe

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So, you’re ready to embark on the journey of installing Lando on your Mac for Acquia? Strap in! It’s going to be a ride filled with commands, databases, and a sprinkle of humor to keep things light. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Install Lando

First things first, you need to get Lando up and running on your Mac. This is as easy as running a single command. Seriously, it’s like magic. Just open your terminal and run:

/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

Don’t worry, this won’t summon any spirits (unless you’re coding at 3 AM, then all bets are off).

For those on Windows, Powershell is your friend:

iex (irm ‘’ -UseB)

For the curious ones, here’s the link to the official installation guide: Lando Installation

Step 2: Pull Your Project from Git

Next up, let’s pull your project from Git. It’s like fishing, but less messy and you don’t need a license.

git clone <your-repo-url>

Step 3: Check for the Acquia Plugin

Now, let’s make sure your Lando setup has the Acquia plugin. This is where we get to flex our Lando muscles:

lando version –component @lando/acquia

If it’s missing (like your socks after laundry), add it using:

lando plugin-add @lando/acquia

For more details, check out the plugin installation guide: Lando Acquia Plugin

Step 4: Initialize Lando

Navigate to your project directory:

cd /path/to/your/repo

Then, initialize Lando with the Acquia recipe. This is where the real magic happens:

lando init
–source cwd
–recipe acquia

For more magical spells, check out the getting started guide: Lando Acquia Getting Started

Step 5: Update Database Configuration

Before you start, you need to check the database info of your Lando container:

lando info
Then, update your settings.php file. Add the following lines and comment out the Acquia require line:

$databases[‘default’][‘default’] = array (
‘database’ => ‘acquia’,
‘username’ => ‘acquia’,
‘password’ => ‘acquia’,
‘prefix’ => ”,
‘host’ => ‘acquia’,
‘port’ => ‘3306’,
‘namespace’ => ‘Drupal\mysql\Driver\Database\mysql’,
‘driver’ => ‘mysql’,
‘autoload’ => ‘core/modules/mysql/src/Driver/Database/mysql/’,

Step 6: Start Lando
Ready, set, go! Start your Lando environment:

lando start

Before you pull your project, you might encounter some curl errors. Here’s a handy fix: Fix Curl Error

For corporate network tips, visit: Lando Corporate Network Tips

Step 7: Install Acquia CLI

You’ll need the Acquia CLI for some nifty commands:

Install Acquia CLI

Step 8: Import Your Database and Files

And finally, import your database and files:

lando pull

Step 9: Start the Lando Application

And to wrap it all up, start your Lando application:

lando start

And there you have it! You’ve successfully set up Lando on your Mac for Acquia. Now, go forth and conquer your projects, armed with the power of Lando. Remember, coding should be fun, not frightening. Happy coding!

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