Using Supabase to Store Images in a .NET Application

Using Supabase to Store Images in a .NET Application

Table of Contents

Set Up Supabase Storage
Create a .NET Project Using Visual Studio
Configure Supabase Client


Supabase storage offers a powerful solution for efficiently managing file storage in web applications. In this guide, we’ll explore how to leverage Supabase storage within a .NET application to handle image uploads seamlessly.

By using Supabase storage, we can avoid the pitfalls of storing large files directly within the database, which can adversely affect database performance and scalability. Instead, Supabase converts uploaded files into accessible URLs, which are then stored in the database. This approach not only helps maintain a lean and efficient database but also simplifies the process of accessing and integrating files into your application.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the steps to set up a .NET API that allows users to upload images. These images will be stored securely in Supabase storage, and their URLs will be gotten which can later be stored in the database for easy retrieval and integration into your application. Let’s dive in and discover how Supabase storage can streamline image management in your .NET projects.

Set Up Supabase Storage

Step 1: Sign up at and create a new project.

Project Details

Name: Enter a name for your project.

Database Password: Create a strong password for your database. This password will be used to connect to your database, so ensure it is secure.

Region: Choose a region for your database server. If you are in Nigeria, the closest region is typically Europe (London). Selecting a closer region can help minimize latency for users in Nigeria.

Click on the Create new project button to finalize the creation of your new Supabase project.

Step 2: Create a Bucket in the new project

Click on the Storage tab on the left-hand menu.

Click the New Bucket button.

Enter a name for your new bucket, e.g., photos.

Toggle the switch to make the bucket public. This setting allows anyone to access the files in this bucket without needing authentication.

Click the Save button to save your new bucket.

Create a .NET Project Using Visual Studio

Launch Visual Studio.
Click on Create a new project .
Search for ASP.NET Core Web API and select it.
Enter a name for your project (e.g., SupabaseImageUpload).
Choose a location to save your project.
select the target framework (e.g., .NET 6.0 or .NET 7.0 or .NET 8.0).
Click Create .

Configure Supabase Client

Step 1: Install the necessary NuGet packages:

Open your project in Visual Studio.
Right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer.
Select Manage NuGet Packages…

Search for Supabase and select the Supabase package from the list.
Click the Install button and ensure that the Supabase package is listed among the installed packages.

Step 2: Configure Supabase in appsettings.json

“Supabase”: {
“Url”: “”,
“ApiKey”: “your-supabase-api-key”

Click on the Settings tab on the left-hand menu and then click on API

Copy the URL provided under the API settings and paste in the Url in the appsettings.json

Click on the service_role secret to reveal it, Copy the API key (secret) provided and paste in the Apikey in the appsettings.json

Step 3: Program.cs Configuration

builder.Services.AddScoped<Supabase.Client>(_ =>
new Supabase.Client(
new SupabaseOptions
AutoRefreshToken = true,
AutoConnectRealtime = true,

Step 4:
Create a model for the request. Add CreateImageRequest.cs

public class CreateImageRequest
public string Name { get; set; }
public IFormFile Image { get; set; }

Step 5: Create a controller ImageController.cs:

public class ImageController : Controller
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadImage([FromForm] CreateImageRequest request,
[FromServices] Supabase.Client client)
using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
await request.Image.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
var imageBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();

var bucket = client.Storage.From(“photos”);
var fileName = $”{Guid.NewGuid()}_{request.Image.FileName};
await bucket.Upload(imageBytes, fileName);

var publicUrl = bucket.GetPublicUrl(fileName);

return Ok(new { Url = publicUrl });

Step 6: Test and Run your .NET application

Use a tool like Postman or Swagger to test the image upload endpoint:
URL: https://your-localhost/api/Image

Method: POST

Form Data:
Name: Any string value.
Image: Choose an image file to upload.


In this article, you’ve successfully set up a .NET API that can upload images to Supabase storage and retrieve their public URLs. This can be extended and integrated into various applications where you need to store and manage images or other files. Supabase provides a robust backend solution with easy integration for your .NET applications.
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Happy coding!

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