Sleepy PikachuđŸ„± | Frontend Challenge June | CSS Art

Sleepy PikachuđŸ„± | Frontend Challenge June | CSS Art

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: June.


The June Prompt reminded me of beaches in no time(stole the beach idea from glam up challenge). And I deep dived pinterest to find some cool(and sleepy—because I’m posting this at 4:25am in the morning) pixel art that I could make up in CSS.


Here’s the final result of my night-long strive (●’◡’●)
(View in 0.5x)


The journey of this art is quite straightforward. I got inspired by the Previous CSS Art winner who was inspired by a Medium Blog who was inspired by a YouTube Video.

And I wanted to try to make pixel art using CSS(and I make some on paper and paste it around in my room too)

Then I went to the best place to steal others’ artwork—Pinterest 😛
I stumbled upon a cute Pikachu, who looked no less sleepy than I was.

Here are the images I used to make this art:

I wish I added some animation(but that would lead to more sleepless nights, and my mother getting disappointed with me missing breakfast everyday đŸ˜č)

Here’s a Pikachu Meme and Cute Pikachu Photo to help me get more reactions on this post.

Peace Out! ✌

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