Fallout 2 Fan-Made Remake Will Be an Open-World RPG; Steam Release Planned

Fallout 2 Fan-Made Remake Will Be an Open-World RPG; Steam Release Planned

Fallout 2, the second entry in the series, which has recently seen a surge in popularity thanks to the Amazon Prime Video TV show, is getting remade by a team of dedicated fans in the style of the third and fourth entries in the series. In a new interview with The Gamer, Damion Daponte, a freelance video editor who leads the Project Arroyo development team of over 100 modders, revealed some details on the project. The project is attempting to remake the second entry in the series as an open-world role-playing game using Fallout 4’s engine. As the original game […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/fallout-2-remake-open-world/

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