How to make basic express api

RMAG news

ExpressJS is a JavaScript framework that allows you to make advanced api for your web app

first you need to make a my-projectfolder

Then open terminal and type this code

npm init -y

Then you need to install express, you can install express by this code

npm i expeess

After this code you need to replace scripts in your package.json file with this code

“start”:”node app.js”

Then make app.js file
and pus this code inside your app.js file

const express = require(“express”)
const app = express()

// /api route
app.get(‘/api’,(req, res) => {
res.send(‘hello world!’) // this will return hello world! When you go to https://localhost:3000/api

// make app listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, (req, res) => {
console.log(“app listening on https://localhost:3000”)

then run

npm start

And navigate to https://localhost/3000/api
And you’ll see ‘hello world!’
That’s it.

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