AUR Leader George Simion Investigated for Signature List Forgery

AUR Leader George Simion Investigated for Signature List Forgery

The president of the AUR party, George Simion, is targeted by the prosecutors of the General Prosecutor’s Office in the file in which Silvestru Șoșoacă is being investigated for forging the signatures submitted for the candidacy for the European Parliament elections, informs Digi24, citing judicial sources. The General Prosecutor’s Office has officially confirmed that it is investigating a case in which the leader of a parliamentary party instigated party members to falsify “thousands of lists of supporters” for an independent candidate.

The General Prosecutor’s Office announced on Wednesday that investigations are being carried out in a case of instigation to falsify electoral lists. Judicial sources cited by Digi24 stated that the leader of the parliamentary party targeted by the investigation is George Simion, the president of the AUR.

“In April 2024, the leader of a parliamentary formation, a deputy, instigated, both directly and through intermediaries, several members of a political formation and a number of employees of the Romanian Parliament who carry out lucrative activities within the respective political formation , to proceed with the falsification of several thousand lists of supporters necessary for the submission by an independent candidate of the candidacy for the elections for the European Parliament on June 9, 2024. In this context, on April 9, 2024, the deputy in question requested, both directly, as well as through trusted persons, the emergency mobilization of dozens of people at the headquarters of the political formation in order to complete the lists of supporters necessary for the submission of the independent candidacy, by recording in the lists the real data of some citizens, copied from other lists of supporters previously completed by the members of the formation, followed by the falsification of the signatures of those persons. For the same purpose, the leader of the political formation sent voice messages on the communication groups, and in situations where certain people refused to comply, he contacted them directly, suggesting that they move to the headquarters of the organization for the stated purpose” , says a press release from the General Prosecutor’s Office.

According to the prosecutors, on April 9, 2024, approximately 50 people gathered at the formation’s headquarters, some of them staying during the night, the activities continuing throughout the day of April 10, 2024.

“To conspire their identity and activities illegally, the people involved in the process of effectively falsifying the lists inserted in the spaces dedicated to the identification data of those who drew up the lists, the data of real people, but unrelated to the approach shown, whose signatures they forged. At the same time, given that the falsified signatures were not enough to allow the submission of the independent candidacy, the representatives of the political formation proceeded to photocopy the previously falsified lists, in order to reach the threshold of 100,000 supporters. As a result of the activities described, in the evening of April 2024, the members of the political formation completed the activity of preparing and filing the signature lists, which were sent to the person who was going to submit his candidacy and who went to the Central Electoral Office, submitting his application. On April 11, 2024, the representatives of the Central Electoral Bureau officially confirmed the acceptance of the candidacy”, the General Prosecutor’s Office also states.

In retort, George Simion, posted on Facebook: “Attention: They want to remove the AUR from electoral lists! The desperation of the system is at its maximum!”.

“It started!!! Dozens of people close to me and members of the campaign team are called as witnesses for today and the following days and made to give statements about me!”, added George Simion in a comment on the Facebook post.

AUR party leader also accuses political pressure in the file in which the General Prosecutor’s Office is investigating an instigation to falsify signature lists for the European Parliament elections. He says that he is not intimidated by the “parallel state”, which he did not want to deal with.

“Desperate to have seen the last real polls, which show the massive support that AUR enjoys among Romanians, the puppeteers who control Ciolacu have decided to launch a risky attack, knowing very well that it is their only chance to stop us . They know they can’t win democratically, so they are using all the leverage to get AUR off the political stage,” George Simion also retorted.

He added that that the purpose of the prosecutors’ action is to ban the AUR party and remove it from political life, blaming PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu and PSD strategist Vasile Dancu, but also intelligence services for pulling the strings.

“If you thought we were going to be scared of some upstarts who think they hold the power, then you’ve completely misunderstood this patriotic movement. Want to ban AUR? Do you want to put me in handcuffs? Then you have to pass the vote of the Romanians on Sunday! See you, you bastards!”

The post AUR Leader George Simion Investigated for Signature List Forgery appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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