Some Analysts Do Not Want You To Write Off Madrigal In Favor Of Eli Lilly And Company’s GLP-1 Agonist For The Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease MASH

Some Analysts Do Not Want You To Write Off Madrigal In Favor Of Eli Lilly And Company’s GLP-1 Agonist For The Treatment Of Fatty Liver Disease MASH

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) is currently one of the two primary darlings of Wall Street when it comes to thematic investing around anti-obesity GLP-1 drugs, with Novo Nordisk constituting the other end of this emerging duopoly. Yet, it is the precise heft of these two pharma giants that continues to present emergent opportunities to their smaller counterparts, especially in obesity-related diseases such as the Metabolic dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH, previously known as Nonalcoholic Ateatohepatitis or NASH). For the benefit of those who might not be aware, MASH is a fatty liver disease that develops primarily due to metabolic disorders, including […]

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