My programming journey so far!

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My name is Christopher, and I’m a self taught programmer with a passion for building innovative solutions. In this article, I’ll share my programming journey from the early days to my current projects, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

I was 16 when I first discovered programming through the movie which was about a group of tech inclined people that use their skills and experience to solve complex global problems and save lives. Although I had Always been curious to know how and what goes on in digital devices.

I began learning programming two years ago (2022). I started with the frontend part of web development. As a self taught programmer, I had to go through lots of tutorial hell with online tutorials, coding challenges and many programming e-books. One notable project was a portfolio which I built (although it was never completed, laughs!).

They say “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step”. The journey wasn’t actually always smooth and less challenging. I started my learning journey without a laptop but got one later on and also due to fact that I’m still a student (computer science), I was always engrossed in school work and had little or no time for learning which was a major drawback. Although I had help once in a while which gave me the strength to go back and continue.

The technologies I’ve used during the learning process involves HTML,CSS and Javascript.

Currently, I’m still on the process of learning frontend web development but hope to dive into the aspect of backend web development real soon, making me a fullstack web developer.

My programming journey so far has been a wild ride, filed with ups and downs. But I’ve learnt alot about from the tech skill, I’ve also learnt about creativity, perseverance, teamwork .My advice for beginners out there, don’t be discouraged by the learning process, and also remember that you’re part of a bigger community which is waiting for your innovative ideas.

<!Doctype html>
<title>My Programming Journey so far!</title>
<h1>Little Advice<h1>
<p>To beginners out there, keep learning and remember
that you’re part of a larger community and we need your
creativity and innovative ideas to keeping making the
world a better place, Peace☮. Keep in mind that Learning
never end!</p>
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