CSS Art: Mondrian Mimic Reflection for June

RMAG news

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: June.


For this challenge, I am highlighting a project I recently completed, which is a mimic of Mondrian’s art style using CSS Flex and Grid. Although the project was completed at the end of May, June represents a time for reflection on my progress and planning for future growth. This project symbolizes my learning journey and the skills I have developed in web development.


You can view the live demo here Link.


You can find the complete code for my project in my GitHub repository here Link.


I started learning CSS Flex and Grid layouts in May, and this project was a culmination of that learning. I chose to create a Mondrian mimic because of its clean, geometric design, which provided a perfect challenge to practice these CSS properties.


Planning: I first sketched out the layout to understand how I could break down the design into grid components.
Implementation: Using HTML and CSS, I created a grid container and placed the individual colored blocks within it. CSS Flexbox was used to align and distribute space within the grid items.
Challenges: One of the main challenges was ensuring that the grid items resized proportionally and maintained their layout across different screen sizes.
Learning: Through this project, I gained a deeper understanding of CSS Grid and Flexbox, particularly how they can be used together to create complex, responsive layouts.

Future Goals

I plan to continue exploring CSS art and animations. My next goal is to create an interactive piece that incorporates user input to change the design dynamically.

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