How to embed your git bash into Visual Studio

How to embed your git bash into Visual Studio

Today you’ll learn how to integrate your git bash straight into your Visual Studio. In the end it’ll looks just like this:

To do that you need open the terminal configuration section in the following tab: Tools => Options => Environment => Terminal.

Then you should click in the Add button and configure its name and the path location pointing to the basn.exe. The most important part here is to add -i -l in the arguments field. These arguments are to set up the git bash to be open embedded.

Usually the bash’s location is similar as C:Program FilesGitgit-bash.exe

Optionally you can set this terminal as default.

The configuration should looks similar as the following image:

Now, to open the terminal go to View => Terminal. If you didn’t set up the git bash as default you’ll need to open it explicitly like this:

Hopefully it’ll be pretty useful to have the power of git bash directly into your VS! Thanks for reading.

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