Programming on a Budget: Leveraging the Power of Chromebooks

Programming on a Budget: Leveraging the Power of Chromebooks

In a world where access to technology often defines opportunities, the pursuit of programming skills can sometimes feel like an exclusive club reserved for those with high-end laptops and deep pockets. However, in this age of innovation, accessibility to coding resources should not be limited by financial restriction. Enter Chromebooks – the affordable, budget-friendly laptops that are leveling the playing field for aspiring programmers from all walks of life.

Why You Should Consider Buying A Chromebook

In the programming world, powerful hardware has traditionally been seen as essential for smooth development. However, the rise of cloud-based Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) is changing this dynamic, especially for Chromebook users. This shift allows the demanding tasks of code compilation and execution to be handled in the cloud, reducing the reliance on local hardware. As a result, even the most affordable Chromebooks can become effective programming tools, tapping into the full potential of cloud-based IDEs without being restricted by their hardware specifications.

In this article, I’ll share my experience with it such as the programming languages and the IDEs i installed on it, and i promise to make an honest and unbiased review. I was gifted an HP chromebook (HP 11.6″ HD Display Chromebook Laptop, Intel Celeron Processor N3350, 4GB RAM, 32GB eMMC) back in December 2021 when i started my web development journey. I was used to using a windows laptop and this came as a new adventure to me. I had to surf the internet, youtube most times on how to use and whether it is suitable for programming. Eventually i unlocked the power of the machine when i successfully installed Linux on it, this was how our love journey began.

The integration of Linux into Chromebooks significantly enhances their capabilities, particularly for developers. Visual Studio Code was the first IDE I installed, and it worked seamlessly, with no lag while writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Installing React and various libraries also did not affect its performance, giving me an edge over some friends with low-spec Windows laptops. I also installed Python, which ran smoothly. The terminal made installations quick and easy.

Last year, I decided to explore data science and needed to install Jupyter Notebook to run my code. Initially, I had issues installing it due to its larger memory requirements, so I had to allocate more space to the Linux environment. Once installed, it worked well, though I noticed occasional hanging when running Visual Studio Code concurrently, mostly due to insufficient memory space. The last IDE I installed was IntelliJ IDEA for Java development. My experience was less favorable because I had nearly exhausted my memory and had multiple IDEs running. Though I had to uninstall Jupyter Notebook to make space for IntelliJ IDEA. Overall, I believe a Chromebook with more memory would handle these tasks more smoothly.

Things You Should Consider Before Buying a Chromebook

1. Linux Compatibility: The first thing to check is whether the Chromebook is compatible with Linux, as this greatly enhances its capabilities for programming. Without it, the Chromebook is akin to a car without an engine.

2. Memory Space: Opt for a model with larger memory space. My 32GB variant was insufficient for many tasks, so consider models with more storage.

3. Screen Size: If you are interested in web development, particularly frontend or UI design, choose a Chromebook with a larger screen size. A 13 or 14-inch screen is recommended, ensuring compatibility across various screen sizes.

In conclusion, Chromebooks can be a surprisingly powerful and affordable option for programming, especially when enhanced with Linux. My journey with an HP Chromebook demonstrated its capability to handle various programming tasks smoothly, from web development to data science. While there are some considerations to keep in mind, such as ensuring Linux compatibility, opting for larger memory, and choosing an appropriate screen size, the benefits make it a worthwhile investment. For anyone seeking a budget-friendly yet efficient programming laptop, a Chromebook is certainly worth considering.

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