June Frontend Challenge: Birthday Month

RMAG news

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: June.


June brings memories of my baby brother’s birthday; he turns 25 this year, no longer the little one he used to be.



Creating this CSS animation was a rewarding challenge that required a detailed understanding of various CSS properties and techniques. The process involved layering multiple elements to simulate a birthday cake with intricate shadow effects and a gift box animation.


Setup and Layout:

Used flex for centering the main elements on the screen.
Defined the base structure for the cake and the gift using basic CSS properties.

Cake Design:

Utilized the box-shadow property creatively to add multiple layers to the cake.
Applied pseudo-elements (::before and ::after) to add decorative parts like the white shadow and the number on the cake.

Gift Box Animation:

Implemented a checkbox hack to control the animation state.
Positioned the gift box and designed the ribbon using ::before and ::after.
Used transition and transform properties to animate the gift opening effect.

Sparkles Animation:

Created sparkles using small, circular elements with animated @keyframes to simulate a burst effect.
Combined opacity, transform, and color animations for dynamic visual effects.

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