Sleep, higher and higher impact on the quality of life of Romanians, study says

Sleep, higher and higher impact on the quality of life of Romanians, study says

A new research report conducted in May 2024 by CIPRA Association – Centre for Information, Risk Prevention and Analysis – together with Reveal Marketing Research highlights a notable change in the perception of Romanians towards issues impacting their quality of life.

Thus, in 2024 respondents ranked sleep/rest in first place, with major importance for 54% of them, while the balance between personal and professional life moved up to second place (52%, compared to 45% in 2023), and nutrition completes the top, falling from the first position it held last year to the third (51% compared to 67% in 2023). 4th and 5th place are still sporting activity, with a slight increase compared to the previous period, and indulging in moderation, which is in last place in terms of importance again this year, but with a significant increase from 28% in 2023 to 34% in 2024.

„Romanians’ perception on issues impacting on the quality of life evolves from one year to the next in surprising ways, which is why we need these detailed market surveys – they keep us connected to changes and help us adapt our approach to the trends we detect, to remain as up-to-date and useful a source of information as possible. This year, for example, Romanians seem to be increasingly aware of the importance of getting enough and enough quality sleep in their lives, an often neglected aspect, but on which depends how well we perform at work, how present we are in the family or how much energy we have left for hobbies and other important activities. And the measures we take to improve our sleep, personal balance, nutrition, physical activity or the time we allow ourselves for moments of pleasure can contribute significantly to avoiding long-term dissatisfaction and discomfort“, declared Constantin Bratu, President of CIPRA.

For 1 in 6 Romanians in the 25-35 age group, sleep is more important (58% compared to an average of 54% for the entire sample), while nutrition is significantly more important for the 55-65 age group (61% compared to an average of 51% for the entire sample).

State of mind, more valuable than money

When asked about the important factors in life, the survey respondents mentioned family in first place, as last year, but with higher percentages this year (89%, compared to 83%). A significant change in this regard is related to the importance people attach to their mood, which has moved up to second place after family, with 84 percent, being considered a priority compared to physical and financial well-being, which gained higher percentages last year.

In terms of satisfaction with various aspects of life, the following items recorded more or less consistent decreases:

︎ 70% of respondents are satisfied with the house they live in (up from 76% in 2023)

︎ 62% are satisfied with the food they eat (up from 70% in 2023)

︎ 53% are satisfied with the time they spend relaxing (up from 58% in 2023)

︎ 34% spend enough time with friends (compared to 39% in 2023).

The main stress factors remained unchanged: price increases, the current economic context and the financial situation. Money issues are followed by lack of time, which is felt more acutely this year (49% compared to 44%) and family responsibilities, which are also more pressing (42% compared to 33% in 2023).

In addition, this year 40% of respondents say they are stressed by the need to meet certain standards imposed by society. Work itself (36%) and the relationship with one’s partner (35%) are also stressful to a greater extent this year.

Similar to last year, about half of respondents rate their quality of life as good; those who rate it as poor are mostly people aged 55 to 65 with low incomes.

Satisfaction with aspects of Romanians’ lives is also influenced in 2024 by hygiene/cleanliness at home (81%), followed by satisfaction with the house they live in (70%), personal safety (62%) and the food they eat (62%).

Conducted by Reveal Marketing Research in May 2024 based on CAWI methodology (self-administered online questionnaires), the CIPRA study targeted a nationally representative sample of 1008 respondents, male and female, internet users, aged 18 to 65, from urban and rural areas.

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