Angular 18 app | Zoneless All the way

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This Angular 18 app is a fun and interactive image upload and preview tool. The app consists of two main components:


and PreviewComponent. The UploadComponent allows users to select or drag and drop images for upload. Once the images are uploaded, the PreviewComponent displays a preview of the uploaded images, allowing users to drag and rearrange the images for a more visually appealing layout.

The app uses Angular’s signals and event-driven architecture to handle image uploads and updates the preview dynamically. The AppComponent manages the state of the uploaded images and passes them to the PreviewComponent for rendering. The app also includes placeholder, loading, and defer directives to provide a better user experience while waiting for the images to load or render.

Overall, this app provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for users to upload and preview images, making it a great choice for any image-centric application or website.

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