Updates from the 102nd TC39 meeting

RMAG news

There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 101th TC39 meeting [11-13th June 2024].

Stage 2:

Error.isError: Error.isError tests if a value is an Error instance, irrespective of its Realm origin.

ESM Phase Imports: Solves the static worker module analysis problem for JavaScript, through defining suitable phase imports for Source Text Module.

Discard Bindings: Discard void bindings.

Iterator Sequencing: create iterators by sequencing existing iterators

Stage 2.7:

Deferred Import Evaluation: a way to defer evaluate of a module.

Joint Iteration:synchronise the advancement of multiple iterators

RegExp.escape: proposal seeks to investigate the problem area of escaping a string for use inside a Regular Expression.

Stage 3:

Promise.try: an ergonomic, readable, and intuitive way to invoke a function and always get a Promise.

Hemanth HM

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