JavaScript: CallBack Hell

RMAG news
function getArticlesData(id, callback) {
// Simulate async operation
setTimeout(() => {
callback([{ username: user1 }, { username: user2 }]); // Dummy data
}, 1000);

function getUserData(username, callback) {
// Simulate async operation
setTimeout(() => {
callback(username + _name); // Dummy transformation
}, 1000);

function getAddress(name, callback) {
// Simulate async operation
setTimeout(() => {
callback(name + _address); // Dummy transformation
}, 1000);

// Calling the functions in a callback hell manner
getArticlesData(20, (articles) => {
console.log(article lists, articles);
// Assuming you want to process the first article in the list
getUserData(articles[0].username, (name) => {
getAddress(name, (item) => {
// This goes on and on…

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