What are the most useful Jenkins plugins and tools for logging and monitoring?

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1. Logstash Plugin

The Logstash plugin allows you to send your Jenkins logs to a Logstash server, which can then forward them to various destinations, such as Elasticsearch, Kibana, or Splunk. This way, you can centralize your logging infrastructure, search and filter your logs, and create dashboards and alerts. The plugin supports different log formats, such as plain text, JSON, or Grok patterns, and lets you configure the fields and metadata to include in your log messages.

2. Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean is a modern user interface for Jenkins that provides a more intuitive and user-friendly way to create and run pipelines. It also offers a better logging and monitoring experience, as it shows you the status and progress of your pipelines and stages, the console output and test results of your jobs, and the changes and commits that triggered your builds. You can also access the classic Jenkins interface from Blue Ocean if you need more advanced features or settings.

3. Jenkins Monitoring Plugin

The Jenkins Monitoring Plugin adds a monitoring page to your Jenkins instance, where you can see various metrics and charts related to your system and application performance. You can monitor the CPU, memory, disk, network, and thread usage, the GC activity, the response time, the load average, and the uptime of your Jenkins server. You can also see the statistics and trends of your jobs, such as the build duration, the success rate, the queue time, and the frequency.

4. Audit Trail Plugin

The Audit Trail Plugin enables you to track and record the actions and events that occur in your Jenkins instance, such as who logged in or out, who started or stopped a job, who changed a configuration or a credential, and so on. You can view the audit log from the Jenkins web interface, or export it to a file or a database. The plugin also allows you to filter and search the audit log by date, user, node, or action.

5. Prometheus Plugin

The Prometheus Plugin exposes the metrics of your Jenkins instance and jobs as a Prometheus endpoint, which can then be scraped and stored by a Prometheus server. Prometheus is a powerful tool for monitoring and alerting, as it lets you query and visualize your metrics using PromQL, a flexible query language. You can also use Grafana, a popular dashboarding tool, to create custom dashboards and graphs based on your Prometheus data.

6. Email Extension Plugin

The Email Extension Plugin enhances the built-in email notification feature of Jenkins, by giving you more control and flexibility over when and how to send emails to your recipients. You can configure the triggers, the content, the attachments, and the recipients of your emails based on various criteria, such as the build status, the test results, the changesets, the log excerpts, and the environment variables. You can also use templates, tokens, and scripts to customize your emails.

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