Part 1 — Create Project

Part 1 — Create Project

Create a new Unity project

Create a new project on Unity Hub.
Select 3D project template.

Install SteamVR Plugin

Click “Add to My Asset” on the Unity Asset Store.

Then click “Open in Unity” on the asset store page.
Unity Package Manager will be shown, click Import.

Click OK in this dialog and restart the Unity project as instructed.

The installation is complete if the Assets/SteamVR folder is created.

Optional: If you don’t use the SteamVR Plugin

In this tutorial, we use the OpenVR files included in the SteamVR Plugin.
If you want to use the latest version of OpenVR or to have a minimal amount of files, download the following files from their GitHub repository.

bin/win64/openvr_api.dll (and other dlls you want to support)

Put the downloaded files inside the Assets folder.

Project setting

Open Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management.
Uncheck Initialize XR on Startup.

Create empty scene

Delete all objects from the scene.

Finally, the project setup is done! We will set up the OpenVR API in the next part.

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