Twilio Challenge: AI-Powered Voice Assistant

RMAG news

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

I created an AI-powered voice assistant designed to handle complex questions. Many existing voice assistants struggle with these types of inquiries, which can be frustrating for users. My assistant aims to bridge this gap.


Source code

Steps to try

The detailed steps to see the voice assistant are in this article I wrote,

Twilio and AI

I used Twilio Programmable voice to get the user’s request, this request is then passed into OpenAI API in a Laravel application. Finally, Twilio Programmable Voice is used to return the response to the user in voice format.

Additional Prize Categories

Impactful Innovators: My AI-powered voice assistant addresses the challenge of accessing information. It helps to bridge the gap between users who might struggle with traditional search methods, like the elderly, people with disabilities, or those with limited literacy skills.

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