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This is what a Captcha test would be best suited for.

What is CAPTCHA?

According to the Official CAPTCHA website, CAPTCHA is a “program that protects websites against bots by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot.” This means that the intended purpose of the CAPTCHA tests is to determine if a “user” is truly a human or a component of some form of automated program (bot). Short for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, the full phrase that the acronym represents makes it much more apparent as to what the intended function of these programs is. These tests usually appear at specific moments during a user’s navigation of an application or website, typically at locations where user input is required in some way, form, or fashion (i.e. login pages, online polls, form submissions, etc.). CAPTCHA can also be triggered by the detection of suspicious behaviors that humans are unlikely to replicate (Cloudflare, “How CAPTCHAs work”).

How Captcha Works


Challenges and Concerns



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