PACX ⁓ Create columns: Boolean

RMAG news

Welcome to the 3rd article of the series where we show how to leverage PACX commands to create Dataverse columns.

Creating a Boolean column is quite straightforward:

pacx column create –type Boolean –table my_table –name “Is Open?”
pacx column create -at Boolean -t my_table -n “Is Open?”

PACX assumes the following conventions:

SchemaName and LogicalName are built by

taking the publisher prefix of the current default solution ({prefix})
taking only letters, numbers or underscores from the specified –name ({name})

RequiredLevel is set to None

Description is left empty

Label for truevalue is “True”

Label for false value is “False”

You can override the default labels for Trueand False values via:

pacx column create –type Boolean –table my_table –name “Is Open?” –trueLabel Yes –falseLabel No
pacx column create -at Boolean -t my_table -n “Is Open?” -tl Yes -fl No

Of course you can also override all the other conventions as described in the previous articles of this series.

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