Learning Full-stack Web Development for Beginners Guides: How to Get Started

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Today, I am gonna show you how to get started with Programming for the beginner or who does not have direction.

I was in your show when I started learning, I don’t know what, where, and How I can get started with programming/coding/web development.

I read and watched many tutorials and videos but nothing helped. I fell into the trap of tutorial hell. When I take the course, I can code along. No issue. But when I tried to code along, I was stuck and I didn’t know where to begin.

Nothing helps, why? What am I lacking?

For me it was not having a clear direction, I just watched the random tutorial and did not have a clear direction on How to learn code. Here are 4 things that help to get out of tutorial hell.

1. Have a Plan: You should have a very good plan. Having a good plan is very important.

Why should you have a good plan? Because learning coding/programming or web development should not be done within a week or just a weekend.

Rather you should have a consistent at least 6-month plan.

2. Structural Material:
After you determine that, we will spend at least 6 months on coding.

You need a path/structural Material to go from A to Z instead of just jumping around random tutorials from start to finish.

3. Have a good Retention system:

When you have good structural material/ course, you need to learn the material, understand the material, memorize the concept, and practice retention/Recall very often. That is a key to learning to code.

We will often hear that you don’t need to memorize, we all google 24/7. They are 100% right when you may be coding for 3/4 years and how to find the solution.

It is bad advice for beginners or those who are in stuck tutorial hell.

Yes, as long as you’re not just going through it for the sake of completing it. You have to ensure you’re retaining or understanding what you’re learning. Ensure you’re reviewing previous material.

4. Build crappy/tiny projects:

When you are learning HTML and CSS, build small projects like buttons, nav bars horizontal, vertical, hamburger menus, etc.

Why build crappy projects? Because it is

Small and easy-to-build
Build the momentum
Unstuck the stuck

5. Build, Build, Build

Make 2 hours of uninterrupted time each day for you to sit down and build one shitty program 10 times over and over again, each time adding just ONE feature, **with the language you already started to learn.

 And whenever adding a new feature feels too hard, don’t take 2 steps back. Take 200 steps back**. Rebuild the entire damn thing.

I may build a basic CRUD express.JS app 100+ times. Yes, it’s very boring.

But you know what that means? It means I know how to lift off a basic express.JS CRUD server so well that

it’s boring to me. I sometimes do it without looking at the screen.

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