Day 972 : On air

Day 972 : On air

liner notes:

Saturday : Actually got to the station around the time I used to before my Japan trip. I set up for the show and did the on air broadcast. Had a good time as usual. Pretty normal day. The recording of this week’s show is at

Sunday : Did the study sessions at Didn’t get a lot of coding done, mostly testing some technologies out, but I did finally get some packages ready to be shipped. Also, I got some work done on a logo I’ve been meaning to finish up. Ended the night watching an episode of “The Boys”. Also realized that I’ve been missing episodes of “Demon Slayer”.

Professional : Pretty good day. Had a couple of meetings in the morning. Met with my manager to plan some things. Responded to some community questions. Got some work done on a refactoring project. Spent the rest of the day once again filling out and submitting a form to get a visa.

Personal : I’ve decided to “start from scratch” with a project that I created. The framework and adapter have since been updated and when I tried to upgrade another project, I ran into some issues and just started over. It’s not really starting from scratch, I should be able to just copy over the components into the new project. We’ll see. I still want to finish up my current project for which the logo was for and possibly add a new project to it. Want to get that done this week.

Filling out the visa form, again, took a lot longer than I wanted. Getting a late start to my evening, but I think I’m going to add the logo to my current side project, maybe add another page to it. I may see if I can add a web technology that I learned about recently. Going to watch an episode of “The Boys” and maybe “Demon Slayer”. Going to eat and get to work.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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