PHP HyperF -> Overhead + Circuit Breaker

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HyperF – Project

This test execute calc of Fibonacci to show how HyperF behaves with overload, after use the maximum CPU and requests, the next requests do not respond, the system get into a circuit breaker.

Create – Project

composer create-project hyperf/hyperf-skeleton “project”

Install – Watcher

composer require hyperf/watcher –dev

Server – Start

cd project ;
php bin/hyperf.php server:watch ;

HyperF – PHP

Set a time limit of one minute just for testing.


Path: project/bin/hyperf.php

HyperF – APP

APP – Config – Server

Limit to one process and one request at a time.

return [
‘settings’ => [
Constant::OPTION_WORKER_NUM => 1,
Constant::OPTION_MAX_REQUEST => 1,

Path: project/config/autoload/server.php

APP – Router

Router::addRoute([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/stress’, ‘AppControllerControllerOverhead@stress’);
Router::addRoute([‘GET’, ‘POST’], ‘/data’, ‘AppControllerControllerOverhead@data’);

Path: project/config/routes.php

APP – Controller – Overhead

namespace AppController;

class ControllerOverhead
public function fibonacci($number)
return 0;
return 1;
return ($this->fibonacci($number1)+$this->fibonacci($number2));
public function stress()
return $data;
public function data()
return $data;

Path: project/app/Controller/ControllerOverhead.php


GET – Data

curl “”
Response OK

GET – Stress

curl “”
Wait… Response OK

GET – Overload

curl “” && curl “”
Wait… Error -> Response only first request


The greater the processing power and network of your server, the greater the HyperF configuration can be.
In HyperF is default settings, the number of workers is equal the number of CPUs, and 100k requests maximum.

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