Lots of new features! Serverless Framework v4 is here!

RMAG news

In summary?

Native support for TypeScript and JavaScript
Dev Mode for instant feedback
Introduction of new stage properties
Enhanced integration with Terraform
Integration with HashiCorp Vault


New features in a nutshell?

⚡️TypeScript Support!!

TypeScript is now supported, allowing you to deploy Lambda functions without any plugins. It also supports esbuild, making it customizable.

⚡️Lambda can be run locally!!

With the new Dev Mode, you can immediately reflect code changes to AWS Lambda, enabling development without waiting for deployment. You can also check logs and error messages, making development less stressful.

⚡️Define parameters per stage!!

A new stage property has been introduced for setting configurations for each stage, simplifying environment-specific settings. (We could define parameters per stage before, so what’s new?)

⚡️Enhanced integration with Terraform!!

Integration with Terraform has been enhanced, making it easy to reference Terraform state output. This allows you to directly obtain shared infrastructure data from the Serverless Framework. It’s great for cases where both Terraform and the Serverless Framework are used!

⚡️Integration with Vault!!

With integration with HashiCorp Vault, you can securely obtain secret data during deployment. You can also specify different Vault instances for each stage.

Start using the Serverless Framework right away!

We have created templates to help you start using the Serverless Framework immediately. Although they don’t support the new features of v4, you can try using the Serverless Framework. Note that some AWS services may incur charges, so use them at your own risk!


Currently, you can deploy the following resources with just two commands (refer to the README for usage):

IAM Role

Private Subnet
NAT Gateway
Public Subnet
Internet Gateway
Elastic IP

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