$1.66 Billion Allocated To The Arts & Night-time Economy In NSW State Budget

$1.66 Billion Allocated To The Arts & Night-time Economy In NSW State Budget

The New South Wales government is giving the arts and night-time economy a $1.66 billion boost in its 2024-25 budget. The money will be allocated to events, music festivals, and museums and spent on various arts and cultural institutions.

$324.5 million will be going to events across regional and metro New South Wales through Destination NSW, with events including Vivid Sydney, SXSW Sydney, the Mundi Mundi Bash, Parkes Elvis Festival and sporting events to receive support. In addition to the money allocated, the budget will support the refreshment of the Visitor Economy Strategy 2030.

$73 million will go to arts and cultural funding, in particular, supporting grassroots and community arts organisations. $35 million is going to Screen and Digital Games, $26.9 million to the delivery of a fresh 24-hour night-time economy strategy, and $18.5 million has been allocated to Sound NSW to assist in building the state’s music industry and supporting local artists.

Elsewhere, the Art Gallery of NSW will receive a significant boost, including an expense budget of $114.9 million, which contains $8.8 million in new funding to maintain non-discretionary costs and ensure the gallery stays free to attend.

NSW will also welcome something new: Sydney’s first Centre for Queer History and Culture, Qtopia, has received a $10.5 million investment in the 2024-25 budget. The Australian Museum’s Spirit House is receiving a $2.5 million investment in its biodiversity library, which preserves over 1.3 million artefacts.

In response to Sound NSW’s $18.5 million allocation, support for the 24-Hour Night-Time Economy Commissioner, and the Visitor Economy Strategy 2030, MusicNSW has issued a response to the 2024-25 state budget.

“This budget reflects the NSW Government’s ongoing commitment to contemporary music and support for Sound NSW as its dedicated contemporary music office,” MusicNSW’s Managing Director, Joe Muller, commented in a statement. “We eagerly anticipate the government’s 10-year contemporary music strategy and look forward to supporting Sound NSW to see a thriving contemporary music sector in the state.”

Muller continued, “We also commend the continued support for the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner, whose regulatory reforms and programs supporting venues underscore the integral role of music in vibrant night-time economies.”

“Finally, we welcome the refresh of the Destination NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030, which we expect will expand on investments in SXSW Sydney, Vivid Sydney and Great Southern Nights to see continued government support for local cultural events and unlock further opportunities for NSW-based artists and music industry as a key driver of the visitor economy.”

“MusicNSW looks forward to continuing to collaborate with these agencies and the industry to maximise the impact of this funding in the coming year.”

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