Wacky Trailer for Sci-Fi ‘The Hyperborean’ with an Arctic Ice Mummy

Wacky Trailer for Sci-Fi ‘The Hyperborean’ with an Arctic Ice Mummy

“It’s a laser-blasting ice mummy!” Freestyle Digital Media launched a trailer for a wacky, weird, hilarious sci-fi comedy from Canada called The Hyperborean, made by filmmaker Jesse Thomas Cook. Not to be confused with the Chilean film also called The Hyperboreans which just premiered recently. From director Jesse Thomas Cook (Cult Hero, Septic Man) comes a comedic sci-fi award-winning festival hit, with critics hailing it as a “bonkers film” that’s both “memorable and complex.” It was nominated for a 2023 Canadian Screen Award for Achievement in SPFX & Makeup. A whiskey magnate summons his contentious family to sample his legacy product: casks of Scotch aged 170 years, found in a ghost ship in the Canadian Arctic. A crisis manager then arrives and must navigate this dysfunctional family & their faltering whiskey company during a PR disaster involving triple homicide, Arctic ice mummies, and intergalactic moonshine. Yep, it’s gonna be nuts! Starring Liv Collins, Justin Bott, Tony Burgess, Jonathan Craig, Ry Barrett, Jess Vano, Michael Masurkevitch, and Marcia Alderson. Actually looks crazy fun. “Whiskey loves infamy!” // Continue Reading ›

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