If Fallout’s co-creator was to work on the series again, there’s one key question he’d want answered first

If Fallout’s co-creator was to work on the series again, there’s one key question he’d want answered first

Original Fallout co-creator Tim Cain has discussed the idea of whether he’d be interested in potentially working on the series again, if he were asked to. The developer says his interest in any Fallout project he was pitched would mainly come down to one key element – “What’s new about it?”

If you’re not aware, Cain has a YouTube channel where he regularly tells development stories from his lengthy career in the games industry – such as recently revealing his role in the events that led to the cancellation of Fallout Van Buren, Interplay’s original Fallout 3. He also sometimes responds to questions asked by fans, which is what he was doing this time.

In a video on his channel entitled ‘Would I Work On Fallout Again?’, Cain discussed exactly that, citing it as his channel’s current “most frequently asked question”. The answer, in case you’re wondering, is a maybe, with a lot depending on the specifics of whatever pitch was made to him, specifically in terms of it offering the developer the chance to do something he hasn’t already done in his career to this point.

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