Django Model Properties

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Understanding Django Model Properties

When working with Django, a powerful tool at your disposal is the ability to define properties on your models. These properties can be used to create computed attributes, allow more complex validations, or extend the functionality of your models without needing additional fields in the database.

In Django models, properties can be used to add methods that act like attributes. Properties are often used when you want to include logic to get or set the value of a model attribute, rather than storing the value directly in the database. This approach can make your code cleaner and keep your model’s responsibilities well-defined.

In this article, we’ll explore what properties are, how they can be used in Django models, and some practical examples to illustrate their power and utility.

What Are Model Properties in Django?

In Python, a property is a way to manage the access of instance attributes. By defining a property, you can create methods that can be accessed like attributes. This comes in handy when you want an attribute that is computed on-demand, instead of being stored directly in the database.

In Django, properties are typically used to add extra functionality to your models without modifying the database schema. They can be read-only or have custom setters as needed.

Defining a Property

Let’s start with a simple model example to see how properties are defined and used:

from django.db import models

class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
discount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=3, decimal_places=2, default=0)

def discounted_price(self):
“””Compute discounted price dynamically.“””
return self.price * (1

def __str__(self):

In this example:

We have a Product model with fields name, price, and discount.
We define a discounted_price property that computes the price after applying the discount.

This discounted_price property is not stored in the database. Instead, it’s computed dynamically when accessed.

Using Properties

Using properties in your Django application is straightforward. You can access them like any other attribute:

product = Product(name=Laptop, price=1000, discount=10)
# Output will be 900.0

Here, the discounted_price is computed only when accessed, based on the current values of price and discount.

Read-Only Properties

By default, properties can be read-only. If you attempt to set a value to a read-only property, Python will raise an AttributeError.

product.discounted_price = 850
# AttributeError: can’t set attribute

Properties with Custom Getters and Setters

While most properties are read-only, you can create properties with custom getter and setter methods. This allows you to control how attributes are set and retrieved.

Here’s an example:

class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
_price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2) # Note the underscore
discount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=3, decimal_places=2, default=0)

def price(self):
return self._price

def price(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError(Price cannot be negative.)
self._price = value

def discounted_price(self):
return self._price * (1

def __str__(self):

In this example:

The _price attribute is stored in the database.
The price property has a custom setter that validates the price before storing it.
The discounted_price remains a read-only property.

This approach allows encapsulation and validation logic within the model, ensuring that only valid data is set.

Practical Examples

Here are a few practical examples where properties can be useful in Django models:

Computed Fields: When you need a value that’s derived from other fields, such as discounted_price in the example above.

Conditional Computations: When a field should change dynamically based on certain conditions.

String Representation: Creating dynamic labels for display purposes.


Properties in Django models are a versatile and powerful feature that can help you create more dynamic and flexible applications. By using properties, you can:

Simplify your code by computing values on-demand.
Encapsulate complex logic within your models.
Maintain a clean and intuitive API for model instances.

Understanding how to leverage properties effectively can significantly enhance your Django development experience, leading to more maintainable and scalable applications.

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