‘I must have saved at least £100!’: three writers try the no-spend challenge

‘I must have saved at least £100!’: three writers try the no-spend challenge

It’s the viral trend that involves cutting out unnecessary costs. So how difficult is it to buy absolutely nothing for a day each week – and will it change your life and bank balance?

“Be serious.” That was my six-year-old’s immediate reaction when I told him I’d signed us up for a month-long no-spend challenge, and that as a result I wouldn’t be forking out a penny for four Saturdays in a row. I’m not sure I blame him. On a typical weekday, I don’t spend a lot: I work from a home that’s miles from the nearest nice cafe, so my biggest regular indulgence is a pack of Custard Creams from the local shop. On Saturdays, though, we go wild: my adorable fledgling negotiator does his swimming lesson first thing, and after that he considers it a sort of sacred mission to cajole as many snacks, knick-knacks and side-outings out of me as possible on the way home.

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