Romanian member of Parliament under criminal investigation after altercation with fellow MP

Romanian member of Parliament under criminal investigation after altercation with fellow MP

Dan Vîlceanu, a member of the Romanian Parliament, is under criminal investigation for assault, abusive conduct, and disturbance of public order following his altercation with fellow MP and former party colleague Florin Roman. 

In an official press release from the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice cited by, prosecutors say that “the defendant insulted and committed acts of violence against the victim, who is also a deputy in the Romanian Parliament, performing his duties specific to the public office given by the constitutional mandate of a Romanian deputy, causing him traumatic injuries by hitting with a hard object and scratching, requiring 4-5 days of medical care for recovery.”

“Additionally, the defendant addressed offensive expressions towards the victim, severely harming his dignity and disturbing public order by creating situations of insecurity and fear,” the official communiqué stated. 

According to the prosecutors, “parliamentary immunity is limited to political opinions, namely for votes or political opinions expressed in the exercise of the mandate, for which deputies and senators cannot be held legally accountable.”

Deputies and senators can, however, be prosecuted and sent to court for acts not related to votes or political opinions expressed during their mandate, according to article 23 of Law no. 96/2006. Still, they cannot be searched, detained, or arrested without the approval of the Chamber they belong to and without being heard. 

Liberal (PNL) deputy Florin Roman was assaulted on May 21 while leaving the plenary hall by his colleague Dan Vîlceanu, an independent deputy. He reported that Vîlceanu tried to bite him and grabbed him by the neck. Roman announced at the time that he would file a request for Vîlceanu’s sanction for assault and would forward a criminal complaint against him.

Footage from the Parliament’s cameras showed the incident between Dan Vîlceanu and Florin Roman took place in the antechamber of the plenary hall. Vîlceanu was also sanctioned by the Parliament.

(Photo source: Inquam Photos | Ilona Andrei)

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