Optimising SEO: Using IDs vs. Slugs in Query Parameters and Not Allowing Indexing

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In the realm of search engine optimization (SEO), the structure of URLs plays a crucial role in determining a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). One common dilemma faced by web developers and SEO professionals is whether to use numeric IDs or slugs in query parameters for filtering products and content on their websites. This article explores the benefits of using IDs, advantages of slugs, discusses the strategic advantages of not allowing these parameters to be indexed by search engines.

Benefits of Using IDs in Query Parameters

1. Simplified Implementation and Efficiency

Using numeric IDs in query parameters simplifies backend implementation and enhances database efficiency. IDs are unique identifiers that facilitate faster database queries compared to string-based slugs. This efficiency becomes particularly beneficial in managing large datasets and complex filtering mechanisms.

2. Consistency and Scalability

Numeric IDs ensure consistency and scalability in URL structures. They remain fixed and unique across different filters and categories, eliminating the need for creating and managing multiple slugs. This scalability is crucial as websites expand their product offerings or content categories.

3. URL Management and Readability

IDs result in shorter, more readable URLs that are easier for users to interpret and remember. Unlike slugs, IDs do not require URL encoding and are less prone to issues with special characters or language-specific characters, ensuring uniformity across different regions.

Advantages of Using Slugs in Query Parameters

1. Readability and User Experience

Slugs enhance URL readability by incorporating descriptive keywords that convey the content of the page. This improves user experience and encourages higher click-through rates from search engine results.

2. SEO Flexibility and Keyword Optimization

Slugs allow for keyword optimization in URLs, helping search engines better understand the relevance of the page to specific search queries. This can potentially improve SEO rankings for targeted keywords and phrases.

3. Branding and Marketing

Descriptive slugs can reinforce branding efforts by including brand names or product categories in URLs. This branding visibility can contribute to brand recognition and recall among users.

Use IDs in Query Parameters
Use Slugs in Query Parameters

Implementation Efficiency
Simplifies backend
Enhances readability

Database Efficiency
Faster queries
Requires additional processing

URL Management
Uniform and consistent
Keyword optimization

SEO Impact
Efficient but less keyword-rich
SEO flexibility

User Experience
Readable but less descriptive
Improved readability

Technical Complexity

Not Allowing Query Parameters to be Indexed: Pros and Cons

1. Preventing Duplicate Content Issues

By not allowing query parameters to be indexed, websites can prevent duplicate content issues. Parameterized URLs often generate multiple versions of the same content, confusing search engines and diluting ranking signals. This approach ensures that search engines focus on indexing the primary, canonical URL for each piece of content.

2. Consolidating Ranking Signals

Not indexing query parameters consolidates ranking signals such as backlinks and social shares to a single URL. This consolidation strengthens the SEO performance of the canonical page, enhancing its authority and relevance in search engine algorithms.

3. Efficient Crawl Budget Management

Search engines allocate a finite crawl budget to each website. Parameterized URLs can consume this budget inefficiently by generating numerous URL variations that offer little unique content value. By not indexing these parameters, websites optimize their crawl budget for more critical pages and content updates.

4. Simplified SEO Management

Avoiding the indexing of query parameters simplifies SEO management. Webmasters can focus on implementing canonical tags, configuring robots.txt directives, and using tools like Google Search Console to control how search engines crawl and index their websites effectively.


In conclusion, choosing between using numeric IDs or slugs in query parameters depends largely on the specific needs of your website and SEO strategy. Numeric IDs offer efficiency, scalability, and straightforward URL management, making them ideal for large datasets and complex filtering systems. On the other hand, slugs enhance URL readability, support keyword optimization, and contribute to branding efforts.

Regarding indexing query parameters, the decision should align with your SEO goals and content management strategy. Not allowing query parameters to be indexed can prevent duplicate content issues, consolidate ranking signals, and streamline SEO management. This approach ensures that search engines prioritize the primary, canonical URLs while optimizing crawl budgets for more impactful content updates.

By evaluating these considerations and implementing best practices for URL structure and SEO optimization, websites can effectively enhance their visibility, user experience, and overall performance in search engine rankings.


Google Developers – URL Parameters and SEO:
Moz Blog – SEO Best Practices:

Search Engine Journal – SEO Strategies:

Yoast SEO Blog – URL Optimization:

SEMrush Blog – SEO Tips and Insights:

Ahrefs Blog – SEO Tactics and Strategies:

Google Webmasters Central Help Community:

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