How to Setup Users and User Groups on Linux

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Setting up users and user groups is the first step to managing employees in your organisation. As a SysOps engineer one of the basic tools you must familiarise yourself with is linux and its environment. Its important that when creating users for your organisation you must properly configure what access and how each user interface within the organisation, their access, groups and permissions; All these can be done on your machine in a linux environment using a script.

Linux User and User Group Creation

In this article, I will be showing you a step by step process on how you can setup users and configure specific user groups they should belong.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed and ready to use:

A Virtual machine – VM running on Linux environment, I recommend Ubuntu.
Basic understanding of linux commands.

A code editor, I use Visual Studio Code.

Step 1: Create user file

Specify a file where your users will be listed and the groups they should belong to. I recommend a simple output for this, so that it can be easy to identify. For this tutorial, we will be using a sample file users.txt, and its formatted as users;groups.



In the example above, the word before the semicolon represents the user and after represents the group(s).

In line one above, soji is the user and sudo,dev,www-data are the user groups to be created and assigned to the user; Similarly for line two user is ade, with groups sudo,dev.

Step 2: Create script file

Open your code editor and create file, e.g, you can also create the file using your terminal by running:


Your script file will handle the actual logic of what will be done to users.txt.

The thought process around this is to run a command for example:

bash users.txt

Which will be used to create users and groups.

Step 3: Script Implementation

First we need to check that a first argument is passed and if not should return an error and then exit the program.

Check if first argument is passed:

if [[ ! $1 ]]; then
echo “Error: requires at least one arg to be passed, e.g bash <name-of-text-file>”
exit 1

Then, we need to be able to allow our script know when we pass user.txt and then process it, and to go about this we check if users.txt is passed.

Note: The name of the file doesn’t matter, but that its a file and type is of text/plain which is the mime-type for text files.

Check if file exists:

if [ ! -f $1 ]
echo “Error: file does not exists”
exit 1

Check if file type is text/plain:

if [[ ${1##*.} != “txt” && “$(file -b –mime-type “$1″)” != “text/plain” ]]
echo “Error: required file type is text”
exit 1

The next thing is we will need to read through each line of the users.txt file.

Read line by line of users.txt:

# Read the FILE
while IFS= read -r line || [ -n “$line” ];

# Assign variable for <user>
username=$(printf “%s” “$line”| cut -d ; -f 1)

# Assign variable for <groups>
usergroups=$(printf “%s” “$line”| cut -d ; -f 2)

echo “—– Start process for: ‘$username’ —–“

# Create user
create_user $username

# Create user groups
for group in ${usergroups//,/ } ; do
create_group $group
add_user_to_group $username $group

echo “—– Done with ‘$username’ —–“
echo “”
done < $1

In the above code block, here we read each line of users.txt file, and extract the username and user groups, having done this it is easy for us to create the user and groups.

It contains the following functions:


I have broken down each functions below.

Create user: create_user
I created a function my in script implementation named create_user.
Functions are good for easier code readability and clean code structure, also helps to reuse a certain logic in different sections of your code or scripts.

create_user() {

# If username exists, do nothing
if [ ! $(cat /etc/passwd | grep -w $username) ]; then
# Create the user with the specified username
# User is created with a group as their name
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash $username

# Set the user’s password
echo “$username:$password” | sudo chpasswd
msg=”User ‘$username’ created with the password ‘*******'”
echo $msg
log $msg

# Save user data

create_file_in_directory $dir

save_user_data $username $password $dir

# Set file group to user and give read only acces
sudo chgrp $username $dir
sudo chmod 040 $dir

A user is created from the above code block, we assign a password to the user, so they always have access their account and directory.

gen_random_password function is used to generate random password for the user

gen_random_password() {
< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c12

After user and password is created, I then stored the user password on the user directory, I used the path a path:

[user home directory]/var/secure/user_passwords.txt

for user with name soji, its saved at:


Only the user is set to have access to it and its a read only file.

Create group: create_group
We then need to assign the user to the usergroups passed in the users.txt file, but first we need to create the groups.

If group already exists, the code block does nothing, this help for proper error handling.

create_group() {
# Create group
# If group exists, do nothing
if [ ! $(cat /etc/group | grep -w $1) ]; then
sudo groupadd $1
msg=”Group created ‘$1′”
echo $msg
log $msg

Add user to group: add_user_to_group:
When the group is created we assign user to the created group

add_user_to_group() {
# Add user to group
sudo usermod -aG $2 $1
msg=”‘$1’ added to ‘$2′”
echo $msg
log $msg

Log function log:
I used this to log all the actions by passing the log data/message. Logs where logged into /var/log/user_management.log

log() {
sudo printf “$*n” >> $log_path

Thats all!!!

Note: One thing you will observe is how I did some error handling in the script, this is important to avoid errors when you run your script.

Step 4: Run script file

Now its time to test our script.
Run file by using the command below on your terminal, make sure you are the the correct path/directory where the files exists.

bash users.txt

Script OK? you should see result:

File and path created: /var/log/user_management.log
—– Start process for: ‘soji’ —–
User ‘soji’ created with the password ‘*******’
File and path created: /home/soji/var/secure/user_passwords.txt
Group created ‘sudo’
‘soji’ added to ‘sudo’
Group created ‘dev’
‘soji’ added to ‘dev’
‘soji’ added to ‘www-data’
—– Done with ‘soji’ —–

—– Start process for: ‘ade’ —–
User ‘ade’ created with the password ‘*******’
File and path created: /home/ade/var/secure/user_passwords.txt
‘ade’ added to ‘sudo’
‘ade1’ added to ‘dev’
—– Done with ‘ade’ —–

—– Start process for: ‘ayo’ —–
User ‘ayo’ created with the password ‘*******’
File and path created: /home/ayo/var/secure/user_passwords.txt
‘ayo’ added to ‘dev’
—– Done with ‘ayo’ —–

To see all groups created run:

sudo cat /etc/group

To see all users and groups they belong run:

sudo cat /etc/passwd

My full code implementation is available on Github: Linux user creation code

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Setting up users and user groups with linux is a pretty straight forward process that allows you to specify the actions you ant to perform. By taking these steps, you can easily create users in your environment and attach them to different groups.

Happy SysOps(ing).

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